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Jungwon would never call himself clumsy. He had constantly been the person to act what was logically the right thing to his beliefs and every decision he carried out was always intentional. Even if it was more rational to perform what felt emotionally correct or what his heart desired the most, Jungwon couldn't walk down the path of his feelings anymore.

The mistakes he had caused before were all consequences of how his emotions provoked him to react. It used to feel so natural to act in the manner he wanted to, but currently, that appeared like a dissimilar reality to him, an unimaginable task. If Jungwon were to return to following his old habits, he would be afraid of what the outcome may be lingering for him at the finish line.

Despite his comfortable familiarity with his deliberate decision-making, he didn't expect to be seeing the ground reaching closer to his vision. The exact moment he stumbled over the loose laces of his footwear, he experienced a wave of regret wash over him. It was infuriating to know he could have been foolish enough to let his feelings get the better of him, resulting in him not even being competent to foresee himself tumbling over something as simple as a little string hanging from his skates.

Unfortunately, no one else had anticipated his fall too, due to the fact that nobody was actually paying that much attention to him. Jungwon merely had unsettling assumptions that all eyes were on him all the time. If a single individual were to glimpse his way, he had that pessimistic voice in his head that had the power to persuade him he was being judged by everyone.

And that negative sensation didn't come to be better, knowing that there were indeed two people who couldn't take their eyes off him.

"Jungwon! Oh my god, are you okay?" Heeseung, who directly reacted to Jungwon's tragic fall down, was the first one he heard. The boy raised his head, his arms which broke his fall still on the ground. He solely had it in him to nod.

Carefully Jungwon sat down properly, wanting to fix his shoes immediately before making the same error twice. Although, before he could even think about the shoelaces, his will to jump off a cliff suddenly skyrocketed. A feeling of embarrassment washed over him. Like the strong waves of the ocean could take down a ship, it drowned Jungwon, making him wish he would've just listened to his head like he was used to and had stayed behind at his home, locked away in his room.

Within his view, a hand had appeared, halting Jungwon. There Ni-ki stood, a little hunched with his arm extended, evidently waiting for the older to lock not only gazes with him but hands too.

If Jungwon wouldn't have been out here in the cold, he possibly would disregard that hot feeling on his face. Nobody needed to inform him that he was undoubtedly blushing, but whether it was because of the low temperature of the zone or Ni-ki's efforts led Jungwon to consider—or hope—it was due to the former.

While Ni-ki waited, letting the other take his time, his friend observed their exchange carefully. Sunghoon stood directly next to him, he could've been in the same position Ni-ki was in at the moment. He didn't know why he didn't reach for Jungwon in the first place; he had a strong desire to hold his hand, as well as his friend.

What happened next, took not only Jungwon's breath away, but silenced the entire space. Sunghoon kneeled in front of the fallen boy, forcing Jungwon's fixation to break away from Ni-ki. He reached out to his skates and quickly tied them with a knot.

The rest was left dumbfounded at the situation that played before them. With everyone's eyes on them, Jungwon should now hold a good reason to be ashamed about the amount of attention he was obtaining, yet it stayed ironic how that wasn't his main concern anymore.

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