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「 ☁️ 」

The night had fallen upon the earth's surface, bringing the chilly wind along. Thick clouds had descended from the sky and covered nature's sight. Familiar grounds known as their favorite playground had been left empty. The cold wind blew harshly, though it wasn't sufficient for the misty air; it solely made the damaged chairs from the swings sway back and forth.

Various autumn-colored leaves had fallen from the trees surrounding the place, though they had long lost their bright pigments. Crumpled up and failing to keep their once beautiful hues, those leaves merely reflected a trail of their loneliness.

Children from the neighborhood could never be found in such a destroyed playground. The area used to be very child-friendly, attracting a lot of youthfulness with the brilliant colors of the components, like the once bright blue merry-go-round and yellow slide. However, those times had long passed. Now everything was ruined and dirty; it was even considered scary to be located there.

But not for them; they didn't find it scary. Though, if that particular 'strange' duo wasn't there, then there was only solitude.

It was freezing, but as always, that feeling was nothing compared to their soon-to-be-shattered hearts.

From far away, footsteps clicked against the hard pavement. Ironically enough, the duo known for their weirdness were walking with their hands entwined somewhere far from a place where they too used to feel safe.

"Wonnie? Are you alright?" A high voice asked, the tone loaded with worry.

"Yes, it wasn't that painful," the other answered.

"Are you sure?" That same voice questioned.

Jungwon flashed the best smile he could summon. Although, he couldn't tell himself if that smile could determine his happiness. Regardless, the young boy went with it and grinned at his best friend, attempting to lower the concern he retained for him.

"I'm okay, thank you, Sunoo."

Sunoo wanted to be relieved, but the way he spoke his name directly gave him away. He knew he would seldom call him by his real name unless he was feeling any other emotion than his usual joy, the nickname they had given each other always served priority.

They both maintained tight-lipped, deciding that the quietness was for the better. The silence took over the air, flowing away in the sky, the breeze serving the rustling sounds which calmed them.

With Sunoo holding Jungwon's hand, he was careful not to walk too closely to him, avoiding contact with his injured arm. Although the younger had told him he wasn't in pain, he knew he was lying. Remembering the fall he took from the swings and the wound that was created, he knew it hurt like hell but that he chose to lie so he wouldn't be concerned.

But how could he not? Jungwon was his best friend, and best friends cared for each other. Though, if this was how Jungwon wanted it to be, maybe Sunoo should just ignore the way he was currently feeling.

He didn't want to hurt Jungwon, not like how life was about to anguish him.

Match Made in Heaven ❀ WonkiWhere stories live. Discover now