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「 ☁️ 」

It was dark and silent. Nothing was possible to perceive except the duo's heavy steps colliding with the stony ground. The streetlights surrounding them along the old buildings seemed to be the only thing that brightened their vision. They lit up their pathway as they kept a slow pace.

It may have been late in the evening, but that didn't change their view on how much they enjoyed the silence of the chilly night.

It reminded them of the childhood they had spent together, about both the good and bad memories.

Sunoo breathed out, rubbing his arms in an endeavor to preserve the warmth of his body. He wished to feel nothing—a dark emptiness expanding in his skull—yet, all he could experience was this uneasy sensation.

Initially, he had urged Jungwon to stay put at the bar so they could talk about something that's been bugging the older for a while. He had wanted to dodge the topic, but the feeling of wonder and curiosity aggressively ate him up from the inside. He couldn't keep to himself anymore.

"Jungwon," Sunoo called for the boy, an impulsive, uncertain taste developing on his tongue. Tiredly, Jungwon hummed in response, holding his sight on the ground, his heavy eyelids almost giving in.

"I wanna ask you something." Somehow, it wasn't that challenging to say those words out loud even though it was the sole purpose of Sunoo's recent whirl of emotions. Still, Jungwon didn't seem to return his friend any interest. They both roamed through the streets, an unsettling stillness deteriorating the mood.

"So..." Sunoo dragged the word, "we have a fun group chat we're in, right?"

There it was again, the avoidance of the subject he needed to address. Sunoo couldn't understand why this provoked his nervous system.

Jungwon put on a frown for a slight moment, which was promptly replaced by an indifferent expression. After blinking to reduce the drowsiness that almost entirely took custody of his body, he nodded his head to the older's earlier opinion.

"Yeah," he agreed, yawning directly thereupon. It was impossible not to detect how depleted Jungwon was. All he genuinely craved to do, was get home, burst into his room, and crawl under the cozy covers of his bed.

Because of frustration and distress, Sunoo bit the loose skin on his lower lip and fiddled with his fingers.

"Ugh, I can't keep this to myself anymore." Sunoo sighed again.

"Let me just get straight to the point," he continued.

"About Sunghoon... do you-"

The rest of the older's words were canceled out by Jungwon's current insufficient, tiresome ears. His gaze fell on something different, his attention smoothly taken away.

Slowly, but eventually, Jungwon sped up his steps as he started walking in front of his friend. Sunoo looked at him with confused yet curious eyes.

At one point, when Jungwon was a fair nine meters apart from the other, he crouched. He kept his feet stable on the ground and made his body smaller, crossing his arms on his knees.

Face to face with a French Bulldog, Jungwon couldn't stop himself from developing a little smile on his complexion. He stretched his right arm forward slowly, careful not to scare the poor creature. A full grin expanded as he felt how soft the dog's delicate fur was.

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