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Ni-ki couldn't believe his eyes. Was what he was seeing reality or just another one of his silly dreams?

Standing before him was the one he wasn't able to stop thinking about. Jungwon had never bothered Ni-ki's thoughts, he had only granted him the desire of seeing him in person.

Ni-ki had acknowledged Jungwon's beauty before. From the pictures he had seen of him, there was no denying how pretty the other was. But looking at him right now, Ni-ki could conclude that his visuals were definitely something more than that.

He was certainly correct about how unique his facial features were; never had he seen someone like him. His fair skin appeared so soft, even smoother than the ice he had tried to skate upon. The urge to trace his fingers along his features, wanting to feel how soft it truly seemed grew, but naturally, he couldn't let that happen.

Especially with what he believed Jungwon saw him as.

On the other hand, Jungwon had observed Ni-ki for a short moment too. While his mind told him that the younger didn't seem all that special, did his heart agree? Jungwon thought it didn't.

Besides, he wasn't able to keep his eyes on him anyway. The moment Sunghoon shortened the distance between the group standing outside the rink and him, his sight immediately decided to turn towards him.

Jungwon didn't know what it was about Sunghoon. Maybe it was the way the older could easily read him that attracted him like a magnet or how that cozy feeling he radiated off his body made him want to feel his arms wrapped around him again. Jungwon remembered the first time he saw Sunghoon. He could recall his warm embrace and how it comforted him when he felt stressed.

He yearned to feel such comfort again as it was the only time in a long while he felt appreciated by someone else than his grandmother and best friend. It was a new feeling he had never met before, something different than platonic love. And that thrilling sensation made him want to become closer to Sunghoon even more.

The boy shook his head, getting rid of those seemingly wrong thoughts. It didn't appear right to think of him in that way. The events from that night weren't at all peaceful for Jungwon's thoughts, it could only remind him of his past.

But with Sunghoon now leaning on the edge, his view fixated on nobody else but him, how could he possibly look away? Jungwon couldn't even force himself to think of something, or rather someone else with the male standing so near him, no matter how badly he desired to.

The rationality in him had always told him to never focus on what people considered to be love. For Jungwon, that deep emotion used to be nonexistent. He believed the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, becoming flustered near the one you have eyes for, and committing to your romantic desires was fake. Every single action caused by an enamored state existed solely as a justification to validate your own feelings, to make yourself feel worthy of love when in fact, you've only set yourself up miserably.

Why be in a relationship when it isn't going to last anyway? Jungwon had asked himself that. And no matter how much his heart screamed at his false assumptions, making him want to believe in what he used to loathe, the boy had forever dismissed those cries for help. He had taught himself to see with his head's perspective, aiming for reality, not unfulfilled fantasies.

But Sunghoon, could he be the one to change that? Merely his warm hug had been able to break Jungwon's cold-blooded demeanor ever so slightly, and the piercing loving gaze he held at this moment, had undesirably begun to fill the smaller's heart with the passion he thought he had lost long ago.

Match Made in Heaven ❀ WonkiWhere stories live. Discover now