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「 ☁️ 」

"This? No, why would I bring this."

Jungwon rummaged through his stuff, already entirely changed from the night clothes he was still wearing. Generally, the boy would dwell in his room, preferably in his bed, for the whole day, especially during the weekend. He was the type of person who avoided leaving his house and thus social contact. That was also one of the many reasons why Sunoo and he had made their little tradition of meeting up with each other every Tuesday after school; so Jungwon could be out of the place where he felt comfortable, surrounded by the ones he didn't know personally.

Speaking of Sunoo, Jungwon was grateful that he was friends with him. Because the other was older, Sunoo forever had the intention of looking after him.

Ever since they were children, they cared for each other deeply, though Sunoo took the role of the caretaker a little more seriously. Among factors like making him laugh and playing with him at the playground, he constantly made certain Jungwon was satisfied and that he learned the actual value of life. Sunoo taught the younger things other people couldn't and let him explore the hidden paths of the unknown himself.

"What does one even bring to a fucking ice rink?" Jungwon cursed under his breath. He exhaled deeply, afterward staring at the black backpack that he was halfway through packing with random stuff. Determining to surrender, he unloaded his belongings, frustratedly throwing the empty bag in the corner of his room.

'Nevermind,' he thought.

Before Jungwon could exit his bedroom, his phone made a distinct sound, indicating he had received a Snapchat notification.

[ sunshine ]


where are u? i'm here already

i'll be there soon

After sending his response, Jungwon sighed.

Situations like this conversation were what had been bothering him for the entirety of this week. Sunoo, who usually initiated most of their chats, didn't do that as much anymore, as if he was withholding himself. Jungwon didn't think much about it at first; everyone had their days when they felt dispirited. Although, after additionally witnessing how dry and superficial their exchanges had stayed, he began to wonder. It was like they both had lost interest in talking.

Jungwon could perfectly guess what had driven them to interact like this, and he hated that he was aware. He wished he was blinded by his thoughts and became clueless when it came to his actions. The boy never desired to hurt his friend in any manner; Sunoo had been the person to look after him all these years, after all. Jungwon had always wanted to repay him with that same care, yet in the end, he had unintentionally stolen what made both of their hearts beat faster.

Though, as much as Jungwon wanted to take back his liking towards Sunghoon, his heart had its own intentions.

He wouldn't have thought he would ever experience these feelings for someone, not after what he had to go through. He despised that light, fluttery sensation inside of him; simply thinking about liking someone romantically truly made his stomach churn. If only he could halt that feeling like there was an off-switch.

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