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The boy already knew the house would appear even larger from the inside, but truly witnessing its size was unimaginable. Jungwon never would've thought he would practically stand within a home the expanse of a mansion and a beautifully designed and personally decorated one too.

While he was being dragged upstairs by one of the owners toward his room, they passed many other doors. Jungwon was curious to know what was found behind each of them. It was funny to see how easily he could lose count of the number of doors in this place—something he wouldn't have deliberately thought about—while compared to his own, he could say it from the top of his head.

When they eventually reached their desired destination, Heeseung opened the door only to reveal an enormous bedroom and its greater-sized attributes Jungwon had ever laid his eyes on.

The room was large but didn't have much inside, making the interior appear bigger. Everything looked like it cost more than Jungwon believed he would ever be worthy of touching. The walls were painted a rich color of navy blue, and the floor appeared similar to the downstairs area, not knowing if they were actually made out of identical material.

A large king-sized bed filled the room the most, with some more furniture pieces filling the space surrounding it. Now, that bed was one Jungwon would preferably want to jump into rather than his own, and that's not something he would admit quickly.

They both went inside, well more like Jungwon was pulled into the room. Heeseung sat on top of the comfortable-appearing bed, grabbing ahold of a white-covered pillow. The younger followed his actions, not knowing where else he was allowed to take a seat.

"So..." Jungwon initiated, "How are you feeling? Jay told me you were basically ignoring him."

"I'm not ignoring him. I'm just... making more time for myself to think things more through," Heeseung said. His smile had long faded after they had reached upstairs, and instead, he held onto a blank expression.

The absence of emotions on his face was a view Jungwon wasn't familiar with. He was so used to Heeseung representing himself as the positive person he was known for, even before he revealed his true personality. But seeing how he displayed his current worn-out sentiments made the younger realize that even the most optimistic people had a dismissive side to them they tried their best to keep suppressed.

"Have you been thinking about what Jake said?" Jungwon asked.

"When have I not," Heeseung answered, his voice sounding hopeless.

"Did you talk with him?" Jungwon questioned further.

"Well, no. But... I don't know?" Heeseung hesitated. Jungwon frowned, confused by his reply.

"He apologized, and I never responded," Heeseung adjusted his answer.

"What, why?" The boy asked curiously.

"I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly realized that maybe Jake doesn't return my feelings..." Heeseung revealed softly.

An astounded look emerged on Jungwon's face, mainly because he knew Heeseung was downright wrong about Jake's point of view. Despite knowing that Jake didn't carry any romantic feelings for him as of now, he was still absolutely stumped on how Heeseung was convinced he wasn't likable, especially when it was pretty clear how Jake and he behaved whenever they talked to each other.

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