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Foundation soldiers were at the bottom of a bridge before Lincoln arrived.

Soldier: good evening sir.

Lincoln: radio.

One of them throws him a radio.

Lincoln: are you in position?

Michael and his taskforce are seen in the woods

Michael: MTF Alfa 13 in position.

Mikell group were in a dersat.

Mikell: MTF Omega 13 in place.

Carla Mendoza group were in a grave yard.

Carla: MTF Beta 13 in position, no sign of any activity yet sir.

Dr. Clef's group were at a school.

Clef: MTF Delta 13 in position, no site of any activity, hold on I'm getting something.

Michael: me too.

Carla: Same sir.

A portal opened up in all five locations before all five Leaders said.

Leaders: move in!

All five groups moved in their portals before arriving at a large library opening fire on hooded figures who took cover before firing back.

Michael's group were using flame throwers setting some of them on fire the flame hit some books but it didn't burn

The remaining serpent's hand fell back with some trying to go through portals before shot from the other side.

The library goes silent before Lincoln ordered some soldier's to move forward before they were met with bullets.

Some soldiers took damage with more serpent's hands arriving, Lincoln took cover to reload before noticing an opening.

Lincoln proceeded to the opening while taking cover from shots before arriving at the opening which looked like a room before proceeding to enter the room.

He noticed something or someone in the middle tied up and gagged.

Lincoln: Lynn?

Lynn opened her eyes trying to mutter something to Lincoln who turned around and shot a serpents hand who was holding a knife.

Lincoln untied her before taking off his vest and handing it to her.

Lincoln: here put this on.

Lynn: don't you need that.

Lincoln: just put it on.

Lynn: but-

Lincoln: quit arguing with me and just do it!

Lynn proceeded to put it on before Lincoln directed her to the opening.

Lynn: look out!

Lincoln pushed Lynn out of the way before getting shot in the arm.

: You will pay for desicrating this place.

The serpents hand got shot in the head.

Michael: you good.

Lincoln: not really.

Michael: we got a couple survivers.

Lincoln: this can't be all of them, tell beta and delta to guard the library, take the injured and the prisoners to the site.


Lincoln walked into his family chamber holding his gun wound.

Rita: Lincoln!

Luna: what happened!?

Lynn walked in behind him.

Louds: Lynn!

They all rushed to Lynn to hug her.

Lynn: I missed you guys.

Lynn was crying as she hugged them back.

They all turned to Lincoln who was about to say something before collapsing.

End of chapter, hope you enjoyed

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