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Lincoln was in his cell playing cards with the female D-class before two guards walked up to the cell.

Guard: D 9813, you're coming with us.

D-class: what's my job now?

Guard2: your time's up.

D-class: so back to my cell.

Lincoln: you're free to go.

D-class: for real.

Lincoln: you're done with the foundation.

D-class: I'll be out of this hell hold, Lincoln I'll remember you.

Lincoln: I appreciate it but no you won't.

D-class: what?

Lincoln: you'll be given a drug, you're going to forget everything the foundation, being a D-class, the SCPs, and me.

D-class: ...

Lincoln: I already had some things to help you when you get out.

D-class: I appreciate everything up until now, goodbye.

Lincoln: see you.

The guards take the D-class out but Lincoln reset the deck of cards to play solitaire before someone walked up to his cell.

Lincoln: you guys forgot something?

Lincoln looked up to see O5-3.

O5-3: you're going to-

Lincoln: I know the rest, and to be honest I don't care.

O5-3: I see you've turned into a smartass.

Lincoln: I don't think I'm that smart.

O5-3: D-class awaiting trial are not allowed to-

Lincoln throwed the deck at him.

Lincoln: anything else?

The O5 walked away.

The loud family and Dr. Bright arrived.

Luan: tomorrow is the day.

Lincoln: I know -3 was here earlier.

Bright: don't worry Lincoln I'm going to represent you.

Lincoln sits down putting his hands on his face.

Lincoln: I'm doomed.


Lincoln walked into SCP 343 chamber seeing God sitting on a chair.

God: hello my child.

Lincoln: thank you for seeing me.

God: I always have time for my children, take a sit.

Lincoln: thank you.

God: what bothers you my son.

Lincoln: I want to say a lot of things better also not too much at the same time.

God: you remind me of another child of mine, he went by the name of job, he was a good man, he never spoke ill of me once.

Lincoln: I've heard of him.

God: you came a long way and faced many hardships, but you never once blamed me or anyone, even now you just worry what will happen to your family and some of the SCPs.

Lincoln: you are right.

God: you've done alot at your young age.

Lincoln: thank you for your time.

God: be well and I am with you always my child.

Lincoln gets up and leaves the chamber.

End of chapter, hope you enjoyed

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