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Some scientist's were inside a research chamber, watching lincoln in a hazmat suit interacting with SCP-053, aka the little girl. before being ordered by one of the researchers to take off his helmet

Lincoln: are you sure about that, what if i accidentally make contact with her?

Researcher 1: don't worry about that, we have guard's on standby ready to pull you out.

Lincoln: o-ok.

Lincoln slowly takes off his helmet, revealing his face to the little girl. The little moved back a little bit trying not to make eye contact with lincoln, lincoln noticed the discomfort in her with him revealing his face

Lincoln: don't worry i'm not going to hurt you, i'm a nice person.

The little girl was still a little bit scared

Lincoln: you can trust me, i'm your friend.

The little girl started to calm down a bit, lincoln went close to her and got on her level then hugged the little girl. calming her down, she looked at him and smiled noticing a spot which she wiped off, which lincoln moved back not wanting to harm her. before guard's rushed in and took him out

Lincoln: hold on... i think i'm okay.

Guard 1: no aggression, no harmful thoughts, no nothing.

Lincoln: ya i'm fine, i don't feel any aggressive thoughts.

A researcher arrives and tells lincoln to go back in

Guard 1: 682 is cool with him and now he's immune to the little girl effect's, what's next the shy guy?

Guard 2: let's not push it.

Lincoln later exit's the containment cell after 20mins, lincoln later arrives at the site director's office

Lincoln: you wanted to see me, sir.

Site Director: I've decided to lock you up and designate you as an scp.

Lincoln: what!?

Site Director: I'm just kidding, do you know why i called you here.

Lincoln: not really.

Site Director: I called you here to talk to talk to you, about your role here at the foundation.

Lincoln: my role?

Site Director: yes, a lot of things have happened since you started working at the foundation. good things, bad things you never know when you work for the scp foundation, i'm not saying you're responsible for the bad things but you do have a reason for a lot of the good things here.

Lincoln: I don't think, i understand what you're saying sir.

Site Director: I thought you might say that, i just have to say this you're a important member of the foundation and i see you going places, big places.

Lincoln: thanks sir.

Site Director: but there, is still the matter of your family and i'm   positive that they will find out sooner or later.

Lincoln: I know that day is coming, i just wish it won't be that soon.

Site Director: that day will come and when it does, it will be extremely difficult but you will overcome it.

Lincoln: i am the man with the plan.

Site Director: I think you should be heading home, lincoln.

Lincoln nods and walks out of the office

Site Director: he's really going to places.

LOUD IN THE FOUNDATION (ft THE_13_CLUB)Where stories live. Discover now