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The loud family came down stairs to see Christmas decorations and a bunch of presents under the tree

Lincoln: merry Christmas everyone.

They didn't really focus on him most of their attention was on the presents.

Loud family: Merry Christmas.

Lincoln: how'd everyone sleep last night.

Luan: no offense but that joke's not funny.

Lincoln: sorry I guess.

Lisa: so may we get an explanation of the event of last night.

Lincoln: SCP-4666 the yule man.

Family: yule man?

Lola: what's it do?

Lincoln: normally it leaves presents.

Lana: that's not half bad.

Lincoln: it's not the type of presents you think and it hardly leave presents.

Leni: if it's not leaving presents then what's it do?

Lincoln: muders the whole family and kidnapping the youngest.

The family where all starting to shake

Lincoln: now who wants to open some presents.

They all went to present with at least five each for them, they all opened presents to their liking.

Lynn Sr: did you get all this?

Lana: aren't you gonna presents open your's Lynn?

There all look at Lynn who just opened her presents.

Lynn: new sports equipment.

Lincoln: I hope you like your present, i got work to do.

Lincoln walked towards the door.

Luan: you sure you can't stay longer

Lincoln: sorry I can't.

End of chapter, hope you enjoyed and sorry it's so short

LOUD IN THE FOUNDATION (ft THE_13_CLUB)Where stories live. Discover now