Chapter 13

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Everyone stood still at their place. Nobody knew what to do after what had been revealed just now...., It almost looked like they all had forgotten to speak.

Jihoon sounded so confused and hesitant when he had called for his husband a while ago, catching everyone's attention, and as expected..., Soonyoung and other alphas had no idea how to explain things to everyone at the door....

Dino, had calmed down momentarily, as soon as his eyes met with those of the people standing outside..., his curiosity taking over his whiny mood...

Jihoon's father was way too shocked to even speak....Just a while ago, he was thanking all the deities of the world for making him the reason why his son married Soonyoung..., and right now, all he wanted was for the earth to swallow him for pushing his own son in the worst kind of swamp.. Disbelief and Disappointment clouded his thoughts, and he suddenly caught hold of his son's wrist and started pulling him outwards...

"Dad....?", Jihoon mumbled, being obviously confused at his father's action, but still not resisting the pull....
Soonyoung, who was until then very quiet and looking really guilty, suddenly got alert again, and immediately followed his husband and his father-in-law outside...

"Dad...What's happening...?", Jihoon asked, once they were outside, and his father had opened the door to the back seat of his car..

"Sit in the car....We are going to our home..."


"Dad....", Soonyoung called out, panting heavily as he ran towards the car, to catch up with them..

"Don't call me that...!!!", his father-in-law immediately interrupted..

"Dad...Please let him explain..", Jihoon pleaded.

"What is he going to explain Jihoonie...?? Did you not hear everything that was said inside?", he replied, in a tone full of resentment..

"Dad I-"

"You what Soonyoung...??", His father-in-law said, holding him up by his collar..."I can't even believe I was being so happy about making my son marry you....I should have known...Bad Habits don't leave so easily-"

"It's nothing what it looks like, dad...", Soonyoung immediately said, as soon as he got the hint that his father-in-law was indirectly accusing him of cheating on his son...

"Then tell us, tell us what it is for real...", His tone sounded very accusing, and Soonyoung couldn't help but get tongue-tied after sensing that no matter what he says right now, his father-in-law was just not going to listen to him, and so he just stood silent..., which only fired back at him, when the response that he got from his father-in-law in return was,
"Great....I knew you won't be able to say anything..", he said scoffing, then turned to a visibly upset Jihoon,
"Let's go Son...", He said to Jihoon, then proceeded to turn his back and walk straight to sit on the back seat..

Jihoon, finally getting the chance to speak, looked up at his pitiful husband,
"I didn't cheat on you....", Soonyoung said with his teary eyes and Jihoon was quick enough to step more closer to him..

"I know...", He said, cupping Soonyoung's wet cheeks and bringing him down to press a gentle kiss on his forehead..,
"but I need to go with dad for now...'', he continued, making Soonyoung immediately shake his head in a desperate 'Please, No'

Jihoon smiled, really painfully at that..., He caressed his husband's cheek with his thumb, and then pressed another kiss at one of them,
"I will be back soon...Trust me....But right now I need to make sure that dad's health isn't affected because of all the stress that he has put himself through just now...., you know he is hypertensive right?", He asked Soonyoung, who nodded slowly.., then pulled him into a hug,
"I am sorry...", he said in the hug, as he pulled Jihoon more closer to himself...,
"You don't have to be...", came the muffled, yet firm reply...

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