Chapter 38

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Dressed in proper laboratory attire, all white from top to bottom, two young technicians, a male beta and a female omega, bow down to greet Hansol at the door,
"Good morning, Sir.", The young man smiles, "We are from HEYGENE LABORATORY... You booked in for an appointment today?"

Hansol nods, "Yeah.., just a moment please... Let me just inform my family about this."

"Oh.. sure-"

"Jeonghannie Hyung..... They are here...!!!", The alpha gushed,
"The lab people.. they are here..."

Upon hearing that, Jeonghan and the others immediately stop with whatever they were doing to look at the opened door,
"Good Morning.", Jeonghan greets the duo with a polite smile,
"Please do come in... We have been waiting."

"We are extremely sorry... The heavy traffic took a toll on us."

"That's okay...", Jisoo reassures,
"There is nothing to worry about, it's completely fine... , Please come in."

Bowing respectfully, the technicians step inside the house towards the hall where everyone else was sitting. The female technician stops on her track to look at the lovely baby that her eyes had automatically darted towards, her face lightening up as she smile in adoration.

"His name is Dino.", Jihoon proudly introduces, "He is the youngest in our family."

"I see...", The young woman sighs smiling, and then, "He is really cute.", She fondly remarks, following which.., nudging the omega's elbow, her co-worker smiles suggestively at her,
"Our Byeoli is gonna get one of her own pretty soon too, aren't you Byeol?", He teases.., the addressed omega getting immediately flustered at that.

"Oh my...!!", Seungkwan exclaims, "You are pregnant? Congratulations..!! Our Jeonghannie Hyung is pregnant too..!!", He announces, wrapping his hand around a smiling Jeonghan's arm.

Cheeks turned pink due to blushing, Byeol clears her throat, "Oh, is it?", She asks, going forward to shake Jeonghan's hand, "Congratulations."

"Congratulations to you too... I hope you give birth to a very healthy and happy baby."

"Likewise, Jeonghanshi... I wish the same for you as well.  You are so beautiful..., I can't even imagine just how beautiful your baby is going to be...", She says smiling.., the part where she said about how beautiful his baby would be due to his genes, making Jeonghan feel warm all over and suddenly, very shy.., leading to the omega start looking for his alpha, his Seungcheol, and cling to him,
"Cheollie....", Jeonghan pulls his husband closer to whisper in his ear.
"Now that I think of it... The baby is going to have both of our features..."
Chuckling lovingly, Seungcheol turns to look at his beaming husband,
"Ofcourse.. It's our baby, after all.."
"I love you..."
As if still not used to getting Jeonghan's sudden love confessions, Seungcheol's eyes widens, and he stammers, "S-suddenly?"
"What do you mean suddenly?", Jeonghan pouts, looking at the alpha through his fluttering lashes, "I just said I love you, Cheol.... Won't you say it back to me?"
Seungcheol, in response lets out a tiny laugh at the whining, pulling the omega closer by his waist to kiss his forehead,
"Isn't it obvious though?", He whispers against the skin, while Jeonghan looks at him with confusion,
"What is?", The omega asks, to which he hums, "Well... the fact...", the Seungcheol kisses Jeonghan's cheek, "That I am madly..", He kisses the other cheek, "immensely...", He kisses the tip of his nose, "hopelessly..", he pecks his lips, "In love with you...?"

Watching from afar the ridiculously sweet moment, the male technician, Wooshik, notices the way Byeol's smile falters at the sight of the lovely couple in front of her, and so, "Alright people...", He claps to divert the attention towards himself, "Now that we are here... I think it's time we get started, right?", He suggests, Byeol and the others, immediately nodding to agree,

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