Versus the Deep - Part 1

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(Dakotas POV)

"Hey? Aren't you going to be late for work?" I asked, coming down stairs for breakfast before school a few weeks later, surprised to see my sister still here since she's usually gone by the time I'm awake.

"Yeah I'm going in late today." She said. "I can drive you to school if you want? We can grab donut king on the way?"

"Sold. Let's go." I grabbed my bag from the back of a chair. She grabbed her keys and we walked out the front door. "Wait hold on." I said at the sight of Ryan and Mark, helping their mom and her suitcases into her food truck and I ran across the lawns to see them, "

"Hey." He wrapped his arm around me.

"Hey sweetie." Grace said. I hadn't asked the question, but based on her reaction I assumed she knew. 

"Where you off to this time?" I asked.

"ClamJam." She said, putting her last suitcase in the truck.

"Well have fun." I began. "We're heading to Donut King before school, you want some?" I asked to Ryan.

"Please." He asked. "My usual if you don't mind."

"You got it." I waved bye to Grace.

"You're not going to ask if I want any?" I heard Mark call.

"Nope." I said spinning back around to see him with his hands in the air. "Just kidding I'll get you some." I turned back to my sister who waved to Grace and her sons before I got in the car and we headed out.


My sister dropped me off at school and on my way in, my phone rang with a call from Mark, which is weird because he never calls me.

"Yes Mark, I bought you a donut." I said after answering the phone. 

"Good, but not what I was calling for." He said.

"Uh-oh." I started. "So what are you calling for?"

"Ryan didn't tell you did he?" He asks.

"Tell me what."

"I knew he probably wasn't going to tell you so, I will." He sounded pretty concerned. "After you left, Ryan got another vision, and it really messed him up, ended up collapsing on the sidewalk right after mom left.

"Oh my god." I said. "Yeah, he didn't tell me. Thanks Mark."

"You're welcome." He then hung up. I sped up my walking pace as I approached the school. I climbed the stairs towards his locker and almost started running down the hallway when I saw him. He smiled when he saw me, thought I wasn't really smiling.

"Are you okay?" I asked running into a hug. He was surprised, probably by me not even saying hi, but eventually hugged me back. "Mark told me what happened, were you not gonna tell me?"

"Oh, yeah." He said after I let go. "Yeah I'm okay. I didn't want to tell you over the phone I was waiting to see you" 

"Really?" I said sternly. "You're sure your okay."

"Not gonna lie it hurt, but I'm good. My head hurts a little, but Harris is going to check me out after school." He explained.

"Your sure?" I asked.

"Donuts I hear are good for headaches." He said grinning again. I held up the bag from the donut shop that he gladly took.


"Walk me through exactly what happened." Harris said when the five of us met in Med-bay after school.

"So I got a vision just like the first time Mech-x4 tried to reach out to me, just a little more intense." He explained while I sat next to the table he sat on. "I saw Grey, and some sort of shark monster. I also saw pieces of Harpers giant monster heart somewhere underwater."

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