Versus Harper's Ghost - Part 1

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(Dakotas POV)

"Is that him?" Ryan asked Leo while I sat behind the both of them on the couch while they looked at the pictures of the technopath test subjects on the screen.


"Okay, what about him?" He asked again.

"No, Ryan, your father didn't look like a 40-year-old Al Roker." Leo laughed.

"That's a good thing right?" Ryan asks. "You said his name was Randall Anthony. Why can't we just look for that?"

"I tried, but Harper never knew your birth fathers real name, so we'll just have to go through each volunteer one at a time." Leo sits back on the couch while Ryan flipped to the next picture, this time of a woman.

"And you didn't know my birth mom, huh?" He asked, turning around.

"Your father is the one who gave you to me. He didn't tell me who she was in case Harper captured me." Leo explains.

"Like when he held you in an underwater prison for years?" I add, joining him on the couch.

"I still can't take a bath without flashbacks." Leo said. "And I'm a bath guy."

"Okay, carry on." I turned back to my phone. Ryan begins flipping through more volunteers until Leo jumps up,

"Wait that's him. That's your father! Go back, go back." 

"Subject 240." Ryan read of the screen as I stood up as well.

"Or 'Randy' to his friends. And always with that infectious smile." Leo smiles.

"That's my father." Ryan stares at the picture. "I wondered if we looked alike." Leo went back to the couch where his computer was and started typing. 

"Looks like Harper really spent a lot of resources tracking him down." He says while Ryan and I sat back down next to him. "The last thing he had on your father was, he was living under the alias 'Tony Ward' in Bogota, Columbia, five years ago then he lost him again."

"Wait he changed his name?" I asked.

"Well to throw Harper off we all had to." Leo says, standing up. "For three years I was Doctor Max Flatiron. Science was his trade, passion was his game. Oh! When I lived in England, I was Penry Heathcoate. He liked Scottish eggs, tea, and living hard! Penry."

"I'm... so sorry I asked." I said quietly.

"Hey we can't all have the most basic middle name to ever exist now can we?" Leo asks me.

"Okay, Rose is number two. Louise is number on,e thank you." I said while Leo sat back down. "And, I practically own the middle name "Rose", so don't come at me when you actually chose the name Flatiron."

"Okay?" Ryan asks, surprised by our trading shots. "So what do we do know?"

"Well now that I have your birth fathers last alias, I'm sure I can pick up the trail again." Leo goes back to typing on his computer.

"Thank you, Leo." Ryan says. "With Harper gone, he doesn't have to hide any more. He's free to.." 

"Meet his son?" Leo finishes.

"Yeah, it's been so long. Maybe he doesn't even remember me." 

"He gave up everything, so you'd be safe. I'm sure you're in his thoughts everyday. Be right back, one minute. We got him! All right!" Leo cheered skipping down the hallway. Ryan turned back to the screen and downloaded a picture of his father on to his phone while I came up behind him.

"I just gotta say, I prefer 'Ryan Walker' instead of 'Ryan Anthony'. It has a better ring to it." I said, looking at the picture. He laughs a little turning to face me before something in the corner of the room caught his eye. I didn't see anything, so I was very caught off guard when he yelled,

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