Versus Velocity and Veracity - Part 1

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(Ryans POV)

A few days after we asked Veracity to join the team, was the day Dakota and her sister were coming back from Tampa Pro. We basically had to celebrate over FaceTime together, but when she gets back I'm sure we're going to celebrate again. She was still in Tampa when I was laying on the loft of the control center and we were on FaceTime.

"So I'm posting more pictures from the competition and I need a caption." She said from her hotel room while scrolling on a laptop.

"Got any ideas?" I asked.

"Two potential candidates." She replied. "either 'I always knew I looked better in gold.' or 'back and better in gold'."

"Oh wait!" I said after a lightbulb went off in my head. "What about this, 'Welcome back to the Flip Side.' She chuckled, wide-eyed and said,

"I love how smart you are sometimes. I'm using that." I then heard somebody open the hatch door below me. Veracity climbed out as I put one finger to my mouth telling Dakota to be quiet as I turned the phone silently so she could see why.

"Okay, weapons, ew. Sticky." Veracity says to herself while examining Spyder's desk. She walked over to Harris's desk next. "Scanners. Shields. Scanners and shields." After looking at the two stations she stepped down to the control pad. I used my powers to make it light up as If I was on it. "This is amazing." She punched the air a few times as if she was controlling the robot before I made my presence known.

"Excuse me." I said causing her to jump. "That's my spot."

"How long you been up there?" She asked surprised. 

"The whole time." I said turning my phone so Dakota could see her again.

"Hey Veracity!" Dakota yelled from my phone. Veracity smiled with a small wave as I climbed down to the floor.

"It's pretty cool isn't it?" I asked her.

"Yeah, uh except for the hallway that smells like bratwurst." She answered.

"Dang it, I told Spyder to stop using the legs as a smoke house." I said while Dakota and I shared a annoyed look. "So it's been a few days since we asked you to join. You still haven't told us that you're in"

"Oh no, yeah I'm in." She replied happily. "Giant monster-fighting robot? I will totally handle defense to Harris gets back."

"Then bump it." I said holding out one hand. She immediately hesitated.

"You know I'm really psyched to be here, but I'm not really the bump it type." She says awkwardly.

"Well in that case!" Dakotas voice says from my phone. She held up her hand for me to first bump her through the phone.

"Thanks D." I laughed before we heard a scream come from her end of the call.

"Dakota Rose I swear to god!" It was clearly Kendall's voice. 

"I gotta go!" She yelled and laughed at the same time before immediately hanging up.

"Okay anyway moving on." I laughed putting my phone back in my pocket.

"So what's on deck?" Veracity asks.

"Getting ready to fight something way worse then Seth Harper."


With Veracity officially in, we called up the rest of the team for a training session before school on Harris's new simulation program.

"Guys we're getting our butts handed to us!" I said after taking a hit from the non-existent Traeger monster standing across from us.

Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now