Versus the Wolves at the Door - Part 1

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(Dakotas POV)

None of us knew what to do. We were just trying to keep warm, occasionally someone called out for Ryan, nothing ever changed. Harris decided to try the mech-links.

"Ryan! Ryan are you there!" He said into the mech link. Almost immediately I heard some sort of quite echo of the what Harris just said and a small vibration on my wrist. I slightly pushed back my sleeve on my shirt, uncovering not, one but two mech-links. I tried not to cry while I held out my wrist so they could see it.

"He didn't want us to find him?" Spyder asked.

"No, he doesn't want Traeger to find us." I said in response. "Like that's gonna matter because we're all going to freeze out here!"

"We don't have any signal." Veracity says looking at her phone."

"We're stranded." Spyder sighed.

"I can't believe Ryan did that." Mark said turning around, with the same expression I had.

"He was trying to save us." Spyder said trying to defend him.

"I'm his big brother I should have saved him." Mark yelled even louder. "Now what if he's-"

"He promised me! He promised me that we did this together and then he just-" I stuttered.

"Kota he was trying to save us, he was trying to save you." Harris said.

"Yeah he got me what forty more minutes of living before we all freeze out her!" I added.

"No wait there's gotta be a way to get back home, you know a back up plan?" Veracity asked. Everyone jumped at the sound of a monster roaring in the distance. It was one of the flying jaguar monsters.

"Great is we're not going to freeze we're just going to get eaten!" Harris yelled when it landed in front of us. We all stood in fear as the monster opened its mouth, and Harper stepped out. Honestly the last person I wanted to see right now.

"Hey guys, looks like you need a lift." Harper says approaching us. None of us said anything. "Oh come on, I'm saving you from freezing to death out here. You're welcome. Wait, Where's Ryan?" Mark and I looked at each other when he asked that last question, no knowing what to do.


"Welcome to my Arctic headquarters." Harper says leading us through two of doubles doors after supplying all of with coats, hats and gloves.

"You of all people would have an Arctic base, what you have one in Paris too?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Do you have a little cat to pet while your scheming?" Veracity asked, following my tone. "Shark in the tank? A laser to cut people in half?"

"We lost the cat to the shark. I really don't want to talk about it." Harper answered us. "And no, not Paris, I do have one in Russia though."

"I feel sorry for Russia." I said quietly.

"I don't know why your helping us, but we don't want anything to do with you." Mark added.

"Okay slow it up, if you guys want to find Ryan, I'm kinda the only game in town." Harper explains.

"Snowboardings a game." Spyder began.





"Man I forgot how much I despise you." Harper said to shut Spyder up.

"I have a gift." He said proudly.

"Listen take it from a guy who tried to kill Ryan, on several occasions, he not going down that easy." Harper said sitting down on his couch.

Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now