Versus the Betrayal - Part 1

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(Dakotas POV)

"Easy there Ryan." Veracity says laser focused on her computer. All of us included a knocked out Harris sat in one of our labs, Ryan was using a piece of Harris's tech to get a sample of the ooze from his brain so we could try and make and anti-dote. "Little to the right."

"You sure he's out?" Ryan asks. "If he wakes up, he'll waste us."

"Trust me he is so pumped full of sedatives that nothing will wake him." Veracity reassured him while mark stood over his brothers shoulder.

"Just stay in the zone." Mark says softly. "Try not to think about the fact that you're basically preforming brain surgery, on your friend. Jus completely remove that thought, from your-"

"Hey Mark?" I jumped in. "Kinda hard for him to 'stay in the zone' when you're breathing down his neck?"

"Yeah, Don't think about the brain surgery." Mark backs off.

"Can you deactivated the part of his brain that makes him call all shoes loafers?" Spyder asks. 

"Guys, chill out and let him focus." I said.

"Thank you." Ryan nods at me, before looking back to Harris.

"You got the sample Ryan." Veracity says checking her tablet. "Now get out of there before you make him as smart as Spyder."

"Dang son!" Spyder yelled while Veracity examined the ooze in the small capsule. "I'm sorry, I just felt like someone needed to say dang son. I miss Harris.


"The oozes response to stimuli is very aggressive." Veracity says as I join her and Ryan in her lab a little while later. "So, the ooze has been weaponized by Traeger, which is probably why the old antidote doesn't work."

"Well, then we amp up our cure." Ryan adds.

"Way ahead of you plaid-lad." Veracity smiles and I tried not to burst out laughing. "Sorry, without Harris I need someone to focus my sarcasm on and thats you."

"Wow I can't believe I didn't think of that." I laughed.

"Anyway, according to my lab test the new ooze is susceptible to a certain kind of pro-catalytic enzyme." Veracity explains. "We just have to borrow it from the hospital."

"You mean steal it right?" Ryan asked and Veracity nods as I stood up from my stool.

"Well lets go round up the others."


Ryan and I walked to the X-deck where Harris was held my the gravity pucks that magnetically connect to this cuffs, and walked in on Spyder trying to tickle Harris.

"Wow I've walked in on some weird things in this robot, but that one is definitely up there." I said.

"What are you guys doing?" Ryan asks. 

"Just putting on a little pressure." Mark answered. "Seeing if maybe we can extract a little info."

"Not cool man, we need to cure him not hurt him." Ryans says.

"He has answers we need." Mark protests.

"Didn't Harris help save mom from Harper Futuristics?" Ryan asks. "Didn't he stay up with you all night tutoring you in French? And Algebra, and History?"

"I get it, I get it." Mark sighs. "I'm really sorry guys, you're right. I don't know what came over me."

"I will personally tear your flesh-" Harris began to speak until Spyder, shoved a sock in his mouth. 

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