Versus the Infected - Part 1

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(Dakotas POV) 


For as far as we could see, infected people were staring at the four of us.

"This is bad, very bad!" Ryans says

"You belong to Traeger Ryan!" A voice yelled from the crowd. I honestly almost laughed whenI saw who it was.

"That's great." I said sarcastically. "Infected ex-girlfriend huh?"

"Yeah, super." Ryan says looking for a way out.

"Someone do something." Veracity says. 

"Get em!" Another person yells. 

"Come on!" Ryan says leading us to a nearby building, when we got inside he shut the doors with his powers and the rest of us barricaded the windows. 

"Okay I technopathically locked all the doors, any luck warning our parents?" Ryan asks

"Can't reach either of my dads." Veracity answers.

"Kendalls working, but she spread the word to everyone working there and they locked their building." I added.

"I don't even have a signal." Spyder sighs, "But I may not have payed my bill." Ryan then answered his own phone.

"Mom, are you okay?" He asked, and after listening to her talk he says, "It's a long story, but I'll tell you when we get you out of there."

"Do these things still have invisibility?" Spyder asks after he hung up the phone. We all activated the invisibility on the mech-links, Ryan opened the door, and we walked right out.


We kept the invisibility on as we ran through the city to get back to the ferry, when we passed my a group of infected military officials, that had no shortage of weapons. 

"Man it looks like he's infected all of bay city." Ryan says as we walk pass them.

"Oh, is pointing out the obvious another one of your powers?" Veracity asks.


"Sorry, I snark when I'm nervous." She says.

"Looks like they've got those new acid-tipped missiles, Thats awesome." Spyder points out. "I mean bad, really bad."


We got to the robot, if you can even call it that, considering how much of it was busted or didn't work at all, and all Ryan to out spots.

"Repairs, half done. X-Weapon, yeah still toast." Veracity says, "And most of our systems, offline."

"We don't have a choice." Ryan adds while the robot begins to rise from the hanger. "We gotta get out of here. 

"Mark and your mom are here!" Veracity yells once we're out of the hanger. 

"The car can survive a missile strike right?" Spyder asks.

"No!" Ryan and I said at the same time.

"Then we have a problem." Spyder says looking back out the window. The now mind-controlled military team was shooting missiles at not only us, but Marks car that was flying towards us. 

"I can't activate shields." Veracity warns smacking her hand on the button. 

"I can stop the missiles just get the landing bay ready." He says. 

"Working on it." Veracity responds typing away on her computer while one by one the missiles exploded in the distance. Mark was able to safely land the car in the loading dock, then shot up through the elevator.

Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now