Versus the Monster Inside - Part 1

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(Dakotas POV)

"Hey guys we ready?" Veracity asks coming out of the foot of the robot. 

"Yeah almost." I answered. "Ryans saying goodbye to his mom, and then I think we're ready." Ryan and Mark walked up and joined the group of us. 

"Be careful all of you." Grace says. I put my arms on the back of the brothers shoulders, signally everyone else to do the same. Once we we're all in a circle I said,

"Alright you guys ready to kick some ass?" 

"Lets do this!" Spyder yells.

"Oh hell yeah." Ryan smiles.

"Hey, that is still my thing!" I reminded him.

"Oh don't worry you can say it when we liquify Grey." He says before the robots foot stomps on us, shooting us up the elevator.


"Easy there Top Gun." Veracity laughs while we we're flying through the air. "You're red lining the engines, slow it down."

"Oh yeah right. I'm still getting used to my power up." Ryan says. 

"But you're used to the girdle?" Mark asks. "Good for you."

"It's not a girdle." 

"Nah, Ryans right." Veracity agrees. "Its more of a corset." I glanced at Spyder typing something on his tablet and laughed when I realized what it was. 

"Spyder Johnson I know you are not googling what is a corset!"

"No!" He said quickly. "You're googling what is a corset!"

"On a another note," I said. "Theres London."

"Can the robot locate Emma Watson?" Spyder asks. 

"Oh Spyder." Veracity sighs dramatically. "We will let you get rejected by adult wizards after we take out grey."

"Okay but just for the heck of it, Let it be known that Spyder you're a Hufflepuff, Marks a Slytherin, Veracity you're a Ravenclaw, Ry your a Gryffindor. And I'm not taking comments on that. That is the truth." I added meaninglessly.

"That actually sounds very accurate." Veracity nods in approval while we flew in towards Grey in her monster form. Ryan landed a kick to her face mid air before landing on the ground.

"Okay if no one else will, say it I will." I shrugged. "That was pretty bad ass." 

"Thank you." He says. "Veracity?"

"Scanning." She answers. "Looks like the red bloom is being stored inside the monsters big claws."

"Dude!" Mark yells from the balcony. We looked out the window at Grey who was going to try to pierce through the robots skull again with the point inside the claw. "Its going for your head again!" We all ducked, while Ryan just stood there and activated the shields with his power up, and the claw burst on impact.

"Ohhh wow." I laughed. "Okay scratch what I just said, that, was really bad ass."

"Oh Yeah? Hey Spyder? Plasma Axe!" He says confidently. "Check this out." He shot the axe out of his hand, detached it from the robot, threw it like a boomerang, and it cut off both of Grey's claws, then latched back onto the hand on its own.

"Dang son!" Spyder says when the Axe reattached to the robot.

"Wow, someone is high on confidence today." I added. "V what did you put in that power up?"

"She's making a run for it!" She yells pointing at Grey. Using a building for leverage, Ryan launched up the robot, and punched the fist through the monsters skull, turning it back to ooze. Spyder and Veracity did and air high five, while Ryan looked back at me and gave me a why not look. 

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