Old days Camelot

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Y/f/n (your fake name)

Lancelot:" what manner of sorcery is this?"

Said the oh-so-great Lancelot as he gave us the "pleasure" of stepping of his mighty stead and dramatically whipped his hair after taking off his helmet.

'He looks just like an older version of steve'

I thought rolling my eyes as I'm still in Douxies arms.

Steve:" wow-"

Hisirdoux:" sir Lancelot, um—"

Steve:"—he's so handsome"

Hisirdoux:- I- we—"

Lancelot:" wait! Aren't you Merlin's errands boy and you Morganas handmaiden?"

Hisirdoux:" apprentice"

Y/n:" apprentice"

We both say rather un impressed by his make-us-down part.

Steve:" he's like an angel man"

He says looking at him dreamy.

Steve:" woah!"

And then a sound appeared I was not fond of.


We all jump back from the Incased trollhunter as it starts to break and crack.

Lancelot disapproves and gets into battle stance. Before Jim's hand suddenly sticks out causing all the nights to gasp in surprise.

His entire trollhunter form comes out of the emerald crystal and says.

Jim:" what-? How did I-?"

Claire runs to him and hugs him from behind.

Claire:" Jim! Are you ok?"

Lancelot on the other hand did not seem so happy to see a troll.

Lancelot:" troll! Troll! To arms!"

Douxie puts me down gently and jumps into action.

Hisirdoux:" wait! Chill out, lads!"

Lancelot stares at him with a funny expression.

Lancelot:" chill out?"

Y/n:" it means...*clears throat*...calm the f*** down dude! This troll is good!"

Everyone stares at me and Douxie looks at me with an unreadable expression, Steve snorts and so does Claire and so does Jim.

Lancelot:" f***?"

We all stare at him not knowing how to explain to some grown up what f*** means.

Lancelot:" anyway, there are no god ones! Monsters are forbidden in Arthur's lands. You'll hang before the king for your insolence"

He says shoving Douxie so he falls onto the ground, I try to get up and this time am successful as I say.

Y/n:" and you, should cut it out. You may not like Jim, but that doesn't mean you can shove Douxie around or anyone else for that matter!"

He rolls his eyes at me.

Lancelot:" oh dear, I'm scared. Go run off and go sew or something"

I stand there mouth open as I hear a.

Hisirdoux:" oh dear"

Claire:" he's dead"

Steve:" but he was such an angel!"

Oh, Fuzz BucketsWhere stories live. Discover now