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 Here you go. Enjoy~ sorry about the cliffhanger in the other chapter just now.

(Y/n POV)

Why do I feel like I've just been trampled over?

'Oh, right, that's probably because Bular almost killed me. How could I forget?'

I flutter my eyes open slowly, looking around, I don't exactly remember rock boulders and crystals in my room or Camelot.

Suddenly, a six eyed guy popped into my vision!

Dictatious:" greetings! I am Dictatious-"

Y/n:" ah! Creepy-older-version of Blinky!"

And because of my reflexes, I punch him in the eyes.

He stumbles back shouting.

Dictatious:" my eyes! My six vulnerable eyes!"

Y/n:" oh, god! Sorry!"

Calista:" don't worry bout' it kid, happens easy. I would know"

I see Ditatious having both sides of his face, and all his eyes were purple now.

'But I only hit one side, how did- oh'

I try to turn around but as I try to, an unbearable pain courses through my body.

I groan out in pain before hearing and seeing people come running towards me.

Hisirdoux:" y/n! Thank Merlin's magic, you're alive!"

He said hugging me tightly, causing me to groan in pain again.

Hisirdoux:" oh, sorry! I-I forgot..."

He says letting go again, Claire comes over and place a hand on both my shoulders asking.

Claire:" are you alright?"

I pant a little before answering.

Y/n:" other then almost dying of lack of oxygen, I'm fine!"

She rolls her eyes and so does everyone else.

Claire:" not funny! You almost died!"

I look at her as she pants after she said that.

Y/n:" Claire......other then a little pain, I'll be alright...I promise"

She takes a deep breath and smiles her famous smile, before looking at Dictatious confused.

Claire:" what happened to Dictatious?"

I rub the back of my neck.

Dictatious:" your friend here was startled upon waking up"

I look at him with knitted eyebrows.

Y/n:" I startle easy, that's on you"

I say pointing at him.

Y/n:" and what kind of a person, or troll, would possibly stand so close to their face when their waking up!?"

I shout. He just stands there and stares at me blankly.

Dictatious:" good point"

The room laughs a little, before Arthur walks in that is.

Causing me to roll my eyes.

Arthur:" how are you feeling"

Y/n:" shitty, but I'll be ok"

He looks at me confused, probably because the word "shit" hasn't been invented yet.

Y/n:" never mind. Can I help you with something, Sire?"

Arthur:" no. I needed to know you were alright, you have saved my life twice tonight. And many others, had you not stopped most of them blowing up. I am, again, indebted to you"

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