Two y/n's?

807 21 27

Here ya go. Enjoy.

(Y/n POV)

I take a moment to catch my breath as this is still new to me. I focus on warm things, and only think about them.

'Fire... hot chocolate... a hot bath -not only cause I defiantly need one-... bed... Douxie........ ok, too far'

I feel my insides warm up and I shiver at the delight. Soon, my vision is completely normal and I find myself free.

Now. All I have to do is find a way out of this cell.

But my question sadly could not be answered as someone walked in.


Arthur 2.0:" you need to ea- what!? How?!"

I look at him sheepishly as I contemplate on what the heck I'm gonna do.

I get quickly and teleport out.

Hearing shout in frustration as I pass through.

But he followed me, he grabbed me with all his strength and hurled me towards the stone wall.

My head makes an impact with the stone wall and I feel blood sliding down my head.

My head throbbing in pain as I felt the feeling of suffocating.

'I need to get out of here...'

I try and get up but my legs fail me. I was dizzy and disoriented.

Arthur 2.0:" you shouldn't have done that."

He was about to hit me again before we hear a lot of screaming, breaking, and beating.

And the sound of an oh so familiar guitar.

My eyes water at the sound of Douxie playing, relief and happiness washing over me.

'He's here... he came back...'

I sigh.

'But he can't do this alone. Get up y/n l/n. Get yourself up like always, brush that dirt off your shoulders and get the fuck up!'

I get up, with a lot of struggle, and face 'Arthur' with a determined look.

I create a shadow portal and blast him away so I could slip through without him following.

I land somewhere outside my cell. Coughing like a mad woman as I'm sure I caught a cold from being in a dungeon for so long.

My head still throbbing in pain and blood running down from it.

I stumble as I continue coughing and coughing, everything was dizzy as I fall on my knees.

'Ok. It's clear that I am not in a good shape'

I would have used my magic to heal myself but I'm too exhausted to do so. Besides, I can't concentrate on what I'm doing with a bleeding and throbbing head, now can I?

I start walking forward after getting up. Stumbling and coughing on the way there.

I come to the room to see literally everyone free and Douxie asking if everyone was okay.

Tears fall as relief washes over me once again at seeing him.

But that was it.

Oh, Fuzz BucketsWhere stories live. Discover now