Camelot under attack

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 Here you go. I hope you like it and hey, guys...thanks you so so much. I really owe ya.

Well not really, but thanks. You're the best.

(Y/n POV)

We were in our common room or something and Douxie and I were teaching Claire how to drop into the shadow realm.

After I saw the vision, I was still a little unsure. That's why I said that I would follow Claire into the shadow realm to see if it really was true.

Y/n:" you're doing great, Claire!"

 I say as Steve wanks his new tooth ax all around the place. Topping over a skull and makes it land on him.

He catches it, but once he realizes it was a skull he immediately drops it.

Douxie:" channel your emotions. Good. Now, let the world drop away"

She breathes in and out, I see her shadow form and then drop. Archie and Charlie unfortunately had a very bad place to take a nap.

Because they fell into the shadow portal with Claire. The minute she was in, I jump in after her.

When I'm inside, I see Claire save Archie from being squashed by a boulder. I see Charlie almost being squashed as well and save her from that too.

Y/n:" gotcha!"

She pants a little and I scratch her under her chin. But she quickly changes her mind.

Charlie:" agh, no-stop that! I'm not a cat!...currently"

I laugh a little and get closer to Claire.

Y/n:" well done, you're getting better every day"

Claire:" thanks teach"

We hear roaring and someone calling out for AAARRRGGHH.

We see purple glowing behind a boulder and race to it. And we see... Jim!

Claire:" Jim!"

She goes to him and tries to touch him.

Claire:" Jim! Jim! Jim!"

Archiebald:" he can't hear you, it is a vision of some sort. But how?"

Claire:" I don't know, I just really wanted to see Jim, and here he is"

'Yeah, and I want to see Morgana..."

Like my prayers have been answered, we see another glowing thing but this time it was in yellow/gold magic.

My magic.....

Or Morgana's! I'm not really sure. 🤷🏼‍♀️.

We drift towards it and see Morgana talking to the same three figures that I saw. She was also in strange and weird golden armor.

Morgana:" I will find a way into their walls..."

She says and continues, as Claire comes closer and mumbles.

Claire:" Morgana...."

She mumbles trying to touch her, and just when she touches her a bit. She glows yellow/gold and turns around shouting.

Morgan's:" you! My handmaiden and apprentice spying on me in the shadows!"

She came to the shadow realm! She is alive! I knew it!

Knowing she wouldn't hurt me I shout to Claire.

Y/n:" run!"

Claire:" what about you?!"

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