You're a wizard. Your names y/n l/n, and you are exactly-wait....multiply five...carry the two...? 918 years old, except you look like a 18 year old. You know this but the people around you don't. Except one, your best friend. Hisirdoux Casperan, bu...
Here ya go! Enjoy! And thanks for the hundred views!
(Y/n POV)
After a while of sleeping, we finally got up and dressed. After we were done, we walked out of the room and into the our common room, or something, where Claire greets me with a.
Claire:" Y/N! How are you?"
She asks taking my hands In hers as Steve stands next to her, also looking concerned.
Y/n:" I'm doing...ok"
She nods and so does he.
Claire:" by the way, Arthur is a down about mopey pants and we need you to talk to him"
I stare at her surprised and confused.
Y/n:" why me?"
Hisirdoux:" it appears, after the way you talked to him, you earned his respect for life. Your the only one that can make him take responsibility"
I look at him with pleading eyes.
Y/n:" do I have too?"
He nods, and so does Claire and Steve.
I groan letting me head fall down, before picking it up and walking out with the others.
Once we got into the throne room, I see Merlin picking up a goblet. While Arthur looks down.
Arthur:" my sword, shattered, just like my kingdom"
Merlin:" I will worry about Excalibur, you worry about the people of Camelot"
Arthur rolls his eyes, and I roll mine at his childish behavior.
I walk into the vision of Arthur, and he stands up for me when I walk in.
Y/n:" do you always stand up now for whenever I walk in?"
Arthur:" yes"
I roll my eyes and continue walk in, getting closer to him.
Y/n:" so, I hear you refuse to do what is necessary,. Do we need to repeat what happened yesterday?"
Arthur sighs and says.
Arthur:" I cannot face the people of Camelot, not yet, I need time"
I roll my eyes walking up closer to him again.
Y/n:" yeah, well, hate to break it to ya, but we don't have time! Your getting up, now! End of discussion! Have I made myself clear?"
Everyone stares at me in surprise and so does Arthur, he looks down but slowly nods as he looks up again.
I nod in understanding and walk back into my chamber. I realized that what I was wearing was stupid for what we have planned today.
We're fixing Excalibur, and wearing a knee-high dress doesn't work, why the hell did I change into that anyway!? Oh, right, I just wanted to throw something over me. He he.
I decided to go simple.
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