I'm sorry it took so long. I hope you like it, and I actually have good news for a change.
The family emergency has taken a small turn, a good one though.
And that means I'll have more time.
Thank you for understanding, I love you all and god bless you.
Really, I mean it.
(Y/n POV)
As I clash my sword with the Gum-gum. I summon my staff and blast at him with fury.
He turns to stone and I smash him, I see Claire shadow-port another Gum-Gum.....somewhere? And I see Archie and Charlie flying around and starting to barbecue the Gum-Gums.
Well, no offense but I would prefer my gums to be intact and not gum-juice.
Ha! See what I did there?.......yeah, never mind.
The night was dark as the clashing of swords and neighing of horses are echoing through the creek. I look around frantically for the others.
As I do, another Gum-Gum comes sneering up from behind me, but I was quicker...
I use my magic and paralyze him, then knock him out with my staff. He crumbles to stones and I continue frantically looking around for Douxie.
I spot Jim and Claire, she jumped out of a portal shouting.
Claire:" heads up!"
She jumped onto the Gum-gum and crumbled it to stones, while Jim said.
Jim:" just in the nick of time."
They both chuckle about this, while I playfully roll my eyes.
Y/n:" if there's a couple more suited than you two, than someone please let me know who."
I say smirking smug as I kick a Gum-Gum in the gronk-knucks, shouting.
Y/n:" rule number three!"
They both laugh at me, while Jim also looks a little sympathetic towards the Gum-Gum.
They get attacked and Jim knocks the Gum-Gum out, the shard, however, didn't like Jim being active and decided to be a pain.
He stumbles to his knees and groans, Claire gives him a kiss on the cheek which makes his frown turn into a smile.
I laugh at that sight.
Helloooooooo! Conscience here!
'Ugh, what do you want conscience?'
For you to find our boyfriend.
Oh my god, do I need to do everything!? Helloooooo! Douxie!?
Y/n:" oh shit, Douxie!"
I shout as Gum-Gum approaches.
Hisirdoux:" language!"
I roll my eyes saying as I destroy the Gum-Gum.
Y/n:" Chinese!"
I hear him chuckle in disbelief before saying.
Hisirdoux:" unbelievable."
I knock another one out as I shout.
Y/n:" deal with it darlin'!"
I shout as I use my magic and stab one in the chest, do a flip forward and lan don ones back, turn him to stone and crush him to pieces.

Oh, Fuzz Buckets
FanfictionYou're a wizard. Your names y/n l/n, and you are exactly-wait....multiply five...carry the two...? 918 years old, except you look like a 18 year old. You know this but the people around you don't. Except one, your best friend. Hisirdoux Casperan, bu...