Oh, Fuzz Buckets

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The last and final chapter.



*sobs really loudly*

It was so quick! It was-it was— *sobs loudly*



Well, what'd do ya do?! Here's the last chapter! There ya goooo!

Enjoy and have a wonderful rest of your life!

(Y/n POV)

I sit on the counter as I watch my, official, boyfriend sweep floors in the cafe where we work at.

Cliche, right?

Seems very familiar.

I chuckle as he exaggeratedly groans.

He looks down at his wrist, but before he can do anything I cut him off.

'Merlin'":" magic is not a permissible shortcut to hard work."

I say pointing my spoon at him accusingly.

He turns around to meet my very amused face.

Hisirdoux:" are you that voice in my head that repeats every lesson he's taught us, now?"

I nod my head as I chuckle. He lays the broom aside and come over to me.

He grips my thighs and I look at him like he's insane.

Y/n:" Douxie. What are you doing-!"

I shout before he pulls me off the counter and stand in front of him.

He looked very smug all of a sudden.

I roll my eyes saying.

Y/n:" not funny."

He laughs as he gives me a peck and says.

Hisirdoux:" it is, especially the cute expression on your face as I did it."

I huff, cross my arms and roll my eyes.

He coos at me while saying.

Hisirdoux:" aw, don't be like that, I just love to tease you that's all."

I scoff at that one as I turn to him saying.

Y/n:" feelings mutual."

We smirk at each other.

Archibald:" come on, Charlie! I didn't mean it."

Oh, yeah! 

Archie was finally cat-man enough to tell Charlie he loved her! 

She, of course, returned the feelings since god knows when.

Their relationship is a lot like ours.

Nothing has changed, Douxie and I are still best friends.

Oh, Fuzz BucketsWhere stories live. Discover now