Chapter Nine

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Kylie held his hand as he led her through the house to the front room. She watched as Spencer entered a code into his phone and the door opened. Shit! Figures. No wonder I couldn't get out. He entered the code into his phone so quickly she wasn't able to catch it anyway.

They walked through the door into a small room that could serve as an elevator. The walls were metal and straight ahead were the double doors. Spencer looked at her and smiled before he turned toward a sort of blank keypad, entered another code, and stood there as the keypad scanned his right eye. What the fuck?!

Her stomach dropped. Was this really happening? Did he just have his eye scanned to start the elevator? The elevator began its descent.

Fuck! No wonder he had no problem leaving me. He knew there was no way I would be able to escape. But why is he taking me with him now?

The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Ahead of them was a large black SUV and a man in an overall suit, like pilots wear. Shit! Fuck! I am so screwed.

Spencer didn't skip a beat, "Are you okay?" he asked, looking down at her.

As she looked up at him expecting ridicule, the look she got instead was sincerity on his gorgeous face. He was looking at her sincerely. He really wanted to know if she was ok.

Did he have actual, genuine concern for her? As much as she could expect from a psychopath. Shit. How did he feel about her? Which would be worse? If he had feelings? Or if he didn't have feelings?

She cleared her throat, "I'm fine." Her voice was still kind of hoarse, "I mean this is a lot to take in Spencer."

"Yes, it is." he said as they walked up to the SUV. "And although I have to work, this trip will be good for us." He turned toward the guy in overalls, "Kylie, this is Davis." Spencer looked back at her. "Davis, this is my Kylie." he said with a smile.

Davis opened the back passenger door of the SUV as he said, "Nice to meet you, Miss Kylie." He seemed young with his short blonde hair, blue eyes, and muscular build. He was attractive, but didn't hold a candle to her Spencer.

Kylie again was at a loss. Why would she think that? Why would she refer to him as hers? Even in her mind.

And should she act as if nothing was wrong? Like they are a happy couple going on a trip. Or did she yell at Davis that she had been kidnapped by Spencer and he needed to help her?

Something kept her from saying anything. Somehow she knew he wouldn't help her. He would probably just smile at her and say, 'That's nice.'

She smiled at Davis but didn't say anything. She didn't know how Spencer would react. He did tell her to only speak to him. Spencer stood by urging her into the SUV, watching her every move. She got in and he followed behind her.

As Kylie glanced down at their still joined hands, his grip tightened. It wasn't uncomfortable and she found she didn't want him to let go right now. This surprised her. She shouldn't want him holding her hand but as with her life, things are constantly changing.

"Thank you, Kylie."

Kylie peered up at him, surprised. "For what?"

Spencer smiled at her and her stomach flipped. She was elated she had made him happy with her. Now she just needed to find out what she did so she could continue to do it. Anything for him to look at her like he was now, always.

"Thank you for doing as I asked." He said to her as she felt the SUV begin to move.

His lips were on hers before she had a chance to respond. He took her breath away as his tongue invaded her mouth. Spencer held the side of her face in the palm of his free hand.

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