Chapter Four

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It all came to her then, in a rush.

She was working at The Latte Shoppe. It was time to clean up and close when he had walked in. He was as gorgeous then as he is now. She had never seen him before that night.

He seemed interested in her at the time. Guys that looked like him were not usually interested in her. Those guys normally were into her friend Jackie, which was too bad for them because Jackie preferred girls.

Oh my God, Jackie! She must be so worried about me. Was she looking for me? Did he know about Jackie? Was he really looking for her when he came in and saw me?

But this guy knew her name. And had said he was there for her. Her stomach dropped as those words hit home.

She had been singled out. She hadn't felt that he was a threat though, maybe just creepy. Why hadn't she felt that this guy was dangerous? She should have known better.

"You remember me now, don't you?" He asked, watching her.

"Yes." She responded nodding her head, terrified of him and his intentions, "Why?"

He smiled at her, "You know why, Kylie." He answered simply. "You are mine. We're meant to be together."

"What? No..." She began trembling, "How long...are you...planning on here?" She whispered the last two words.

"There is no time frame. This is home." Spencer got up from the bed and walked over to her. She had dropped down to her knees when she remembered who he was. He helped her up and led her to the bed. He urged her to sit down. "Kylie, I brought you some more water. I know you must be very thirsty." He replied calmly, handing her the bottle of water.

She had no choice but to accept it and drink. She was, in fact, thirsty. She felt as if she hadn't had anything to drink in days. Kylie drank the water down, when she was finished she handed him the empty bottle.

"I know you must be hungry as well. Come, I've made us something to eat." He offered her his hand to help her up. "You can keep your towel on for now."

Holding the towel in place, she accepted his hand and got up. As she walked beside him she realized he towered over her by at least a foot. But then again, she was only five foot three inches tall herself.

She cautiously pulled her hand from his. Was it wrong that she didn't want to anger or upset him? To avoid him getting violent or forceful? It felt wrong but she also wanted to survive this, whatever this may be.

Kylie looked up at Spencer and wondered why he would want her when he could probably have any woman he looked at. He stood at least six and half feet tall. He had dark straight hair that he could put into a ponytail but at the moment it hung loose.

Continuing her inspection, she saw that he had tattoos, which she usually found sexy. He had individual pictures and words, with a few tribal tattoos on his biceps peeking out of his shirt sleeves. There were some parts peeking out of the neck of his shirt up the right side of his collar also. Spencer was broad and muscular with no facial hair. When his hazel eyes stared down at her, like now, she felt like she was in a trance or under a spell.

He wore a dark gray long sleeved t-shirt with the arms pushed up to his elbows and dark jeans with bare feet. He walked at her pace, which was snail slow.

Kylie couldn't help but wonder what he saw in her. Not that she thought so little of herself, but judging his appearance she was sure he could attract a model or the equivalent.

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