Chapter Eight

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Spencer set the tray on the counter in the kitchen and went into his office. He checked the monitors while he answered the alarm. It was the agency calling in. He put the call on speaker knowing Kylie wouldn't be able to hear anything.

"Identify." The speaker on the other end simply said. The voice was female.

"New England Clam Chowder." Replied Spencer.

"Red or white?" The robotic female voice asked.

He looked to the ceiling as he spoke, "White."

"Report." She replied, sounding bored.

"Target neutralized." Spencer answered. "Clean. Complete."

"Payment transfer complete."

Spencer checked his account. "I see it."

"Next target information sent. High risk. 48 hours." She went on. "Has the information come through?"

"Yes." Spencer opened the file. Fuck! I don't want to leave her again. Not now, it's too soon. He looked at the location. Connecticut. "Can I skip this one?"

"No. You were requested."

Arguing with her would be pointless. "After this target is neutralized, I will be unavailable until further notice." He disconnected the call. No need for pleasantries with her.

He looked at Kylie on the monitor. She was just as he had left her. That's my good girl. Looking back at the target information, he scrolled through his phone contacts and pressed dial.

"Yeah Spence?" His right hand man, Davis, answered on the first ring.

"Davis, get the jet fueled and ready. Send my car." Spencer commanded.

"You got it. Are we needing a full crew?" Davis replied immediately.

Spencer checked the time, "No, just three of you. Oh and Davis...I am bringing her with me this time."

"Yes, Sir."

Spencer disconnected the call. He walked into his bedroom and into his walk-in closet. On the right side were her clothes.

Everything Kylie could ever need or want, in the colors that suited her were there. Meticulously chosen, pressed, and hanging in order of color and season. He had been told on more than one occasion that he was obsessive compulsive. He preferred to see himself as being prepared for every occasion.

After choosing a suitable outfit and jacket for her, he packed her a bag. He then grabbed his own already packed bag just as his phone dinged. He looked at the monitor and answered. "Are we ready?"

"Yes, Sir. I am here with the car, but take your time." Davis responded.

Spencer buzzed him in. "Our bags are in the bedroom." He grabbed the outfit he had chosen and walked to Kylie's room. As he walked in and placed the clothes on the dresser he noticed she had fallen asleep in the sitting position, the same position he had left her in.

Deciding to leave her there for now he walked into the bathroom, turned the shower on and grabbed towels. When he reentered the bedroom he saw she hadn't moved and was still asleep. "Kylie..." He whispered in her ear.

Her eyes opened slowly, "Did I move? I'm sorry."

Spencer couldn't help himself, he kissed her soft, pink lips. So soft. She was a little startled but she kissed him back. "Let's get cleaned up." He said, as he unlocked her cuffs and reluctantly pulled away.

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