Chapter Seven

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Her body tingled. She tried to ignore it, not having any more energy. The man was insatiable. "Spen...cer... stop, I can't..." Kylie whispered in her sleep.

The tingling continued. She pulled a pillow over her head and turned onto her stomach. The tingling got worse. "Spencer!" She said hoarsely.

Her eyes opened for a split second and closed again. Spencer wasn't there. He wasn't lying next to her. She kicked her legs and regretted it when she felt the soreness between her legs and on her ass as well as the backs of her legs.

Kylie opened one eye then the other as she turned onto her back. What time was it, anyway? The room was dark with the light blocking curtains pulled closed. She sat up in bed and realized the tingle her body was feeling was because her bladder was full.

It was eerily quiet when she got out of the bed. She felt alone. Where is Spencer? He was in bed with her when she fell asleep so she assumed he would be there when she woke up. Stupid assumptions.

After she finished using the bathroom, she cleaned herself up, figuring Spencer would be back soon. She felt extremely raw and sore, everywhere. Everything hurt.

Kylie laid in the bed and turned on the TV, trying not to move. She surfed through channels noticing the news channels were skipping on their own, as if Spencer set it this way so she couldn't see what was happening locally or even globally. She found a movie she liked and figured she'd watch until Spencer returned.

She must have fallen asleep because when her eyes opened there was a different movie playing. The room was still dark, and there was still no Spencer. She sat up and muted the TV listening for any movement or noise to indicate whether Spencer was there or not.

He hadn't left her, had he? Oh my God! Did he go to take care of Jackie? No, no, no.

Last night after their second bath, he had told her he wouldn't touch Jackie. As long as she obeyed. She agreed.

But where was he now? He wouldn't lie to her, would he? Well, he hadn't so far that she knew.

Still she heard nothing. Kylie got up and pulled the curtains open, bright light filling the room. What the...?

She walked over to the door and listened. It sounded as if no one was home. She turned the knob and the door opened. Still quiet. Should she risk Spencer being angry if she left the room? Why would the door be left unlocked if he didn't want her to leave it?

"Spencer." Kylie called out.

Nothing. No sound.

It's now or never, she huffed to herself. Deciding to take a chance, she ventured out of the room into the hall, "Spencer..." She called out again. "Spencer, where are you?"

No answer. She walked down the hall. The lights were off, doors were closed, and Spencer was nowhere to be found.

"Spencer..." She called again as she walked into the kitchen. Again nothing. No one. She was alone. Did he really leave her alone? He said nothing to her yesterday or last night about having to go anywhere.

This was it. Her chance! Her moment of truth. The moment when she had to choose. Does she do everything in her power to escape? Or does she accept her situation for what it is?

What about Jackie? If she took this chance and escaped, would he then go and kill Jackie? Would she be able to make it to Jackie in time to warn her? Probably not.


On the one hand Kylie was taken from her life, a life she had worked hard for. With friends, school, and a job she loved, for now.

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