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Matt pov

I was I the waiting room for several hours until a doctor called out for the family of Sam. I was in Sam's room she was awake Deb was in the chair talking to Sam I was wondering if woods was okay they didn't say anything about if he was okay. "Hey guys am going to see if woods is alright" I said trying to hide that I was worried I didn't want to worrie Sam." Oh okay you will tell me if something happen" Sam asked. Sure I said walking out of the room.

I walked up to the front counter." Hello, can I get some information about Woodland Demars" I asked taping my fingers waiting for an answer. " he would be in room 310 on your right" she said looking at her computer. Thank you I said walking away. I made it to room 310 I opened the door slowly and sal woods he was already awake. "Hey how you feel" I ask seting on the chair. "Am feeling okay but we need to get out of here this is not a real hospital" he said. "What! What do you mean?" I ask. "They don't act like real doctors, they ask questions that don't make sense" Woods said trying to sit up. I be back am going to tell Deb are you going to be fine? "Yeah am just going to sit here ". I was walking to Sam room and I see what woods mean as I was walking It seems that everyone was looking at me and I didn't see any other patience. I walk in Sam room and was about to say something when I noticed  a doctor was in the room. Deb was looking at like something was up. All the doctors said that they couldn't do anything. After  the doctor left I was about to tell Deb but she got to it first. "This place is not safe I don't think this is a real Hospital this is part of Syntec" she said get all Sam and her stuff ready. Woods said exactly the same thing are we planning to leave? " yes I'm getting Sam ready to leave you should get Woods ready to and go to the Tesla" Deb said. I was trying to get to woods room quickly but trying not to make anything suspicious. I made it into words with my make sure there was no doctor inside. Woods are you good to walk? " yeah probably why" we're leaving this place Deb is getting Sam ready that probably heading to the car now.

We made it to the car Sam and Deb was already in the car. Woods and Sam was in the back one me and Deb was in the front. Okay Deb are you going to tell us what's going to happen to them I question. " with the antidote and serum they don't mix too well it will probably hallucinate and she thinks they're not there and how painful flashbacks or dreams of something that didn't happen. One of them I just have flashbacks in the other might just have the dreams they could also have both of those just depends how bad it is. There is an antidote for this but there's not much antidote if we cannot find one then I would probably have to make one. Dance that looks way different than all the others but this antidote is purple and it's in a smaller vial. ( if that's what they called I don't know please let me know). "WHAT! When will this start to happen" Sam asked "it could take up to a week or just a couple days" Deb said. We headed to the studios for a little bit nothing too crazy happened but at the end of the day we all headed home.

Wood pov

Finally I can lay on my bed and sleep I got ready brush my teeth and took a shower and then headed to bed.
I walk into the studios we are having a normal day nothing was syentce just a normal day we were all having up we were have a Nerf battle I won three times in a row we were just hanging out talking for a little while until I started to see smoke guys there's smoke I said no one answered me I repeated myself again until Matt answered me. "Okay we need everyone out woods you go upstairs and get everybody out then get out of the building. I headed upstairs I called I don't know about answered I looked around there was nobody upstairs so I went downstairs and out the door waiting for everybody to come out. I waited there about 1 minute until I see the whole building go up in flames I try to race the door but there was no way in. GUYS!!! I caught up with nobody answer. I called 911 but none of time the whole building just fell apart no one was out of the building they were all gone it was just me. I tried to go back inside but there was no building left to go inside they were gone they were all gone.
*end of nightmare*
I woke up all sweaty and out of breath that was just a dream that felt so real. Doesn't mean to the side effects are starting? It was one in the morning so I tried to go back to bed.

If there are spelling errors or mistakes I will fix it. Let me know if I need to fix anything please.

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