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No pov

Sam and Deb were on there way to Deb's friend that is supposed to help them. Deb new him by the name Scott. Scott was a decent person but a very nervous. But she trusted him, deb new that the other's would not trust Scott that easy.  They did know him like she did, they both wanted the same. To take down syphus .

They finally made, it was time to meet1 Scott.

They was up do the door, Deb was the first to the door sense she knew him. It took about a minute for some one to answer the door.

"Hey Deb you made it" Scott said opening

Sam and Deb follow Scott to his lab. The lab. The lab was not that big but big enough for one person.

"Like I said I don't have all the thing you need to make the antidote" Scott said handing a box with some of the things.

"Yes I know" Deb said grabbing the box from Scott.

"How long sense you started seeing things?" Scott ask Sam

"This morning but I don't know about Woods " Sam said give a look at Deb

"Well I don't have much more time to talk but if you guys need anything just call " Scott said as he grabbed his briefcase.

"We will, and it was nice to see you again" Deb said walking out the door

"Thanks " sam said following Deb

As Sam and Deb was heading back.....

"So..how many more this do you need to make the antidote?" Sam ask  as Deb was driving.

"I just need four more things. To of them might be hard to find " Deb said

"Deb?" Sam ask

"Yes sam?" Deb said

"If we don't get the antidote soon will it get worse?" Sam ask looking out the window.

"Um...Yes but we are going to get the antidote as soon as possible!" Deb said

"Do you think woods has more effec then I do?" Sam said

"I don't know hasn't told us much but when we get back Matt can tell us what woods told him " Deb Said "look Sam I know this is going to be hard but you and wood are going to need each other" Deb said looking at Sam for a split second.

Meanwhile at the studio.....

Matt was sitting in his office doing the rest of the editing on the news dope or nope video that the editor could not finsh due to family emergency.  After a while Matt needed to take a break from editing for a little bit so I went to go get some coffee. On the way to the kitchen he saw woods was sitting in a chair closer kitchen area.

"Hey you good" Matt ask seting on the chair next to were wood's was sitting.

Yeah am just tired of this " Woods said looking at Matt.

"Hey look kid if you need anything just call we could hang out if you need to get your mind off of this or this mess " mat said placing a hand on woods shoulder

"Thanks Matt" Woods said

"Well am going to make me some coffee. You want some" Matt asked

"No am good I already had two" Woods said  look back at his phone.

After a while Deb and sam had made it back to the studio safe.


Hey! It's shorter but I have to go to bed soon so but I will update on the weekend or Monday. Have a good night/morning!

P.s: I will fix anything that needs to be fix but right now am 😴

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