~ Another day in hell ~ 2

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Travis' POV

Travis waited until everyone had gotten off the bus before finally stepping out onto the cold concrete.

He always stayed behind everyone else to avoid contact with others as much as possible.

He slowly shuffled towards the entrance, trying to ignore the throbbing pain that pricked at his eye with each step he took.

Lost in thought, he eventually reached his locker; a sinking feeling resides in his stomach as he studies the books in his locker. Today he had PE, Religious, English and...

Travis' heart sank. He felt as if the entire world had just been dropped on his chest, crushing his ribs.


He'd completely forgotten to study for the upcoming maths test, and there was no way he had time to now.

Many wouldn't be too concerned about not studying for a test, especially those who were good at it; like Sal or Todd. Forgetting to study was ok for them because they were always guaranteed at least a B+.

But for people like Travis, not studying meant you had failed. Especially for Travis. His father was already irritated by Travis' disappointing performance during class. And failing yet another class meant another punishment. 


A familiar wave of anxiety washed over him. A drowning sensation filled his lungs.

He desperately started flicking through the pages of his textbook, trying to absorb the very little amount of information written down.

Suddenly, the bell rang; momentarily snapping Travis out of his state of panic. Before an even bigger wave of anxiety hit him like a ton of bricks.

He reluctantly made his way to his maths classroom. He dreaded every moment he spent in this damned room.

He frantically tried to suppress the sinking feeling in his stomach, but it was useless.

He pulled the chair out from behind his desk; the echo of the chair's legs screeching across the cold tiled floor shook the classroom.

A moment later Sal enters the classroom, seemingly unbothered by the test. Travis was enraged by this. He had always envied Sal, but he was too much of a coward to admit it.

Sal's blue pigtails bounced as he wandered to his desk and sat on the cold metal chair. 

- (Small time skip)

Travis felt like crying, or puking- or both. He stared down at the paper the teacher had given him. He couldn't remember a single thing the teacher had taught him.

He tried to answer some of the questions but only managed to get to question 3 before he figured that he wasn't going to get far.

Even after an entire 30 minutes of staring at his paper, he was still on the 5th question. He ran his hand through his messy blonde hair and exhaled. Glaring at the paper in front of him.

The teacher looked up from her own work and cleared her throat.

"Excuse me, Mr Fisher."


Mrs Packerton spoke again. "Sal, wake up!"

Travis turned to look at Sal. He had been sleeping on his desk silently. Sal suddenly blinked awake and Travis met his gaze.

"Huh?" Sal mumbled, eyes still adjusting to the bright light flooding the classroom.

"That doesn't look like math to me." Mrs Packerton said sternly, eyebrows curled up in a mixture of annoyance.

"Oh sorry, I must have dosed off. I already finished the test." Sal announced proudly, adjusting his mask slightly.

Travis clenched his fists tightly. How could he have finished the test already! And still have time to take a nap!? And all in only 30 minutes!

Mrs Packertons lips curled into a tight smile. "I know, dear. You aced it as well, very good. Just try to stay awake for the remainder of class, okay?"

"Sure, it won't happen again." Travis was still staring intently at Sal; his hand wrapped around his pen so hard his knuckles turned white, and his hand was shaking. They gazed at each other for a while.

"And Mr Phelps. Eyes on your own paper." Mrs Packerton spoke firmly.

Travis left Sal's gaze and gave a small grunt, turning towards his paper.

After a moment of staring at nothing, Mrs Packerton finally announced the end of the lesson. I had given up on trying to complete the test and was doodling little drawings on my hand.

He wrote his name in the corner of the paper and waited for the bell to ring.


He stayed glued to his seat, watching the others hand in their papers and leave the classroom, before getting up to collect his belongings and leaving the classroom silently.

As soon as he stepped out of the doors, he spotted a familiar tuft of blue hair peeking out from behind a locker.

An intense rage bubbled up deep inside Travis.

"The test wasn't actually too difficult!" Sal announced proudly to his brunette friend.

This set Travis off. An angry snarl spread across his face.

"Hey, Freak!" Travis proclaimed suddenly, making Sal snap his head around.

"Nobody likes a goody-two-shoes, Saaally face." Travis snickered.

"Nobody likes a clichè bully, Traaavis," Sal said mockingly.

The brunette friend intervened, not wanting a fight to spark, "Don't you have anything better to do?" Eyes glaring at Travis angrily

Travis' face scrunched up, "Shut up, bitch! I wasn't talking to you." 

Sal took offence to this. "You know, if you took that stick out of your ass you may actually enjoy yourself for once." Sal continued, shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe even make a friend or two."

Travis knew that what Sal was saying was true, and it hurt.

"Fuck off, faggot! I have more friends than you'll ever have!" Travis bragged. However, Sal knew this wasn't true. Travis always seemed to be alone.

"You kiss your Daddy with that tongue? I'm sure he-" 

Travis saw red

And Sal saw an angry fist coming towards his face.

*Bottled-Up Emotions* ~ A Slavis Fanfiction *Sal Fisher x Travis Phelps*Where stories live. Discover now