~ Sal fisher ~ 5

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This is a continuation of the last chapter :) Enjoy <3

"Just because my Dad is a preacher doesn't mean he owns me! I'm my own person!" Travis knew this wasn't true, anything and everything he did was controlled by his Father.

"Yeah but.. Well, you seem so unhappy man."

Sal took a pause before speaking again.

"Are you sure your Dad isn't putting too much pressure on you? I bet it tough being the son of such an intense man."

Travis felt angry, he had no idea what it was like being him. But he knew what Sal was saying was true. There was no denying it.

"You have no idea what it's like."

"I'm sorry man.." Sal spoke, and he seemed genuinely upset, Travis never had someone feel sorry for him, he didn't know how to react.

Sal probably thought he was weak.

"Don't feel sorry for me Sally Face. I don't need your pity."


"We don't have to be enemies. You know that right?"

Travis stayed silent. Did Sal really want to be friends with him? The thought made his heart jump a little.

"I think under all that anger, there's a good dude who's afraid to be himself."

Travis was startled, how did Sal know so much?

Sal continued rambling.

"If you ever need someone to talk to, or if you need to get away from your Dad for a while. You can hang out with me."

"Why.. why are you being so nice to me?" Travis didn't understand, all he had done was push sal around and bullied him.

"I don't think you're a bad person Travis."

"You know- I don't really hate you.. or your friends." Travis admitted hesitantly

"I didn't really think so." Sal smiled, even though no one could see.

"I guess- well. I'm sorry for being such an asshole. You don't deserve that."

"That means a lot to me. It really does.."

Sal paused.

"Thank you, and what I said about being here for you if you ever decided you want a friend. I meant that."

"Don't push your luck, Sally Face! Now- scram so I can have some alone time!"

"And uh.. Don't tell anyone about this, or your dead!" Travis hissed angrily, before realising what he had said.

"Er- I mean. Just don't tell anyone about this, okay?"

"I won't," Sal said, sliding a folded piece of paper under the door

Sal then got to his feet and left the bathroom silently.

Travis picked up the paper and unfolded it.

It was Sal's number..

Travis smiled to himself, a brief feeling of warmth filled him, before being interrupted by the bell. Signalling the end of lunch.


Whoa, 2 chapters in a day 😱 Btw I skipped the part of the dialogue where Travis gave Sal the envelope, I didn't feel like it was necessary for the story I'm trying to write

Also if you have any ideas for the next chapter please tell me 😭 I literally do not know what to write next 

*Bottled-Up Emotions* ~ A Slavis Fanfiction *Sal Fisher x Travis Phelps*Where stories live. Discover now