~ Bologna Day ~ 3

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Travis heard Ash yell something in his direction, but he didn't look back.

He was sure that he hurt himself more than he hurt Sal; his knuckles were red and swollen from punching Sal's hard-ass mask.

He couldn't breathe. His vision darkened. He thought punching Sal would make him feel better, but it didn't, an ill feeling plagued him.

Was this


The weight in his stomach lingered. He couldn't show himself in front of Sal again. Larry was probably already plotting murder.

He spent the rest of the day with a sick feeling in his gut. Every little movement made him want to throw up.


Despite the sickening feeling in his stomach, he pushed through the day. At least it was bologna day today. Bologna day was the only thing he could actually look forward to at school.

As the day dragged on, Travis found it increasingly difficult to focus.

 When the bell finally rang signalling lunchtime, Travis practically sprinted to the cafeteria.

He was starving

Travis was the first in line - Waiting eagerly for his sandwich. Most people couldn't stand the school cafeteria food, but to Travis - School was the only time of the day when he could eat.

The lunch lady grunted in annoyance, snapping him back to reality - Travis quickly grabbed his food and made his way to the far end of the cafeteria, passing by Sal and his group of freaks, staring them down as he passed.

Travis sat alone, as he always did. Tossing his bag to the side and taking his place at the empty table, a suspicious stain plastered across it.

As he sat down, someone caught his eye.

He looked at Sal. He loved the way his eyes lit up when he laughed, the way you could tell he was smiling even though his face was hidden away. Sometimes he wished he could just-



What the fuck was he thinking?


Travis mentally slapped himself, why was he thinking such disgusting things?


He lost his appetite, he felt like throwing up. He tossed his sandwich and quickly made his way to the toilets clutching his stomach.

He kneeled over the toilet, a watery bile made its way up, and Travis choked it out of him.

He flopped to the floor next to the toilet he had previously thrown up in. The pit in his stomach ached painfully, like a stab to the stomach. 

He felt disgusting. He felt dirty. What would God think?  Why was he thinking such sickening things?


Wow finally published chapter 3! Please let me know what you think of the story so far! Also sorry for disappearing for ages, I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue the story, I'll try to publish chapters more frequently now though :)

Also thank you so much for reading! I love you sm! I hope you have a lovely rest of ur day <3

*Bottled-Up Emotions* ~ A Slavis Fanfiction *Sal Fisher x Travis Phelps*Where stories live. Discover now