~ The note ~ 4

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Travis didn't know what to do. The bitter taste of vomit lingered in his mouth, burning his throat.

He felt like screaming, crying, shouting. But nothing came out.

Instead, he watched as tears rolled down his cheeks, and hit the grimy toilet stall floor.

After and moment of silence, he reluctantly took out his notebook and began writing.

He watched as the pen glided over the notebook page, forming a note.

"I know we don't really know each other and you probably have your opinions of me. I thought maybe if I told you how I feel, things could be different. The truth is, I can't stop thinking about you. I'm crazy about you. I think you're amazing! But I know these feelings are wrong. It's not the way a boy should feel. Shame swallows me whole. My father would kill me but I can't live in his shadow forever I just.. want to be my own person y'know? But I'm terrified of what might happen. What would God think of me? Why am I thinking such disgusting thoughts? I know I could never admit this out loud, no one would believe me. Can you imagine, the preachers Christian son a dirty fag? Which is why I'm writing this down. Sal, I think your so amazing, and I am so so sorry for everything."

Travis quickly scribbled out the last few  sentences angrily, and let out a choked sob.

"This is stupid." Travis exclaimed to no one is particular while crushing the note between his hands.

He slowly got up onto his feet, tears forming in his eyes, and threw the crumpled note away, not bothering to check if he had missed.

He quickly made his way back into the stall, before his legs gave in and he fell to the floor again.

He slowly brought his knees to his chest and hugged them. Letting a singular tear roll down his cheek before breaking out into loud sobs.

He cried for what seemed like an eternity before he heard the bathroom door swing open.

After a moment of silence he heard the sound of paper being unfolded.

They were reading his note.

Travis' eyes widened, he prayed that whoever was reading would leave.

However, he heard a familiar voice call out.

"Hello? Anyone in there?"

Oh fuck. It was Sal

Travis decided to play it cool. "No duh fuckwad! Buzz off!" He exclaimed angrily, hoping Sal would take this as a hint to leave him alone.

"Travis, were you just... crying a second ago?" Sal asked in a concerned tone.

"Sally face? I- No! What the hell!? Can't a guy get some privacy?"

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"Because you and your dumb friends are a bunch of homos! It's sick! It's not right! God will never love you! why should I!?"

"You know we aren't all actually gay right? I mean, besides for Todd. Todd is super gay."

We aren't all actually gay.

Those words hurt. Alot.

Sal continued. "But that part of who he is and I think it's wonderfull, he's one of the kindest people I know. How could anyone hate Todd?"

"Ugh." Travis groaned in annoyance.

Is your father pushing these beliefs on you?

Travis didn't know how to answer.. He stared at the floor, contemplating what he should say next.

Woo finally pushed out another chapter! What did you guys think of my addition to Travis' note? :)
As always, thank you for reading! I'll try to continue on in the next chapter very soon <3

*Bottled-Up Emotions* ~ A Slavis Fanfiction *Sal Fisher x Travis Phelps*Where stories live. Discover now