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"are you mental?!" i yelled at her. getting up in my seat

"please Lory, calm down" Mom told me

"did that boy give you drugs or somthing?"  i said, shaking my head and sitting back down in my seat

"what boy?' mom asked, looking at me

"ask rory" i said and took a bite of my salad

"theres no boy" she lied "i just dont want to go the chilton"

"why?" mom asked

"the timing is just really bad"

"the timing is bad?" mom said in disbelief

"and the bus ride to and from Hartford, its like, thirty minutes each way" she rambled

"what about college? what about harvard?" mom said

"we dotn know that i cant get into harvard if i stay where i am" she argued

"okay enough, enough of the crazy talk, okay? i appreciate your concern, but i have this covered" mom asured her

"i still dont want to go"


"because i dont"

"i have to get out of here" mom said and walked out the door

"we have to pay first!" rory yelled after her

i put some money on the table, grabbed rorys hand and walked out the door

We approched miss pattys, and walked behind mom

"oh rory, good, i think i found a job for your male friend" patty said seeing rory

"what male friend?" Mom asked

"They need a stock boy at the supermarket. I already talked to Taylor Doose about him. You just send him around tomorrow" patty told rory

"Okay, thanks" rory mummbled

"What male friend?"

"Oh ,he's very cute. You have good taste" patty comented

Rory let go of my hand and started speed walking, mom following her

"hey patty" i said

"yes princess" she said

"did you happen to find the fabric i asked you for?" i questioned

"ah yes dear, i do hold on" she walked into her studio, then back out carrying a box of diffrent colored fabric

She handed it to me

"thank you patty" i said, smiling, looking at the shimmering fabric

"no problem honey" she said


as soon as i opened the door, i heard screaming from the bedroom, i walked in, and saw my mom and rory

"tattoos are good too!" mom yelled

"that reminds me, can i get a boys name tattooed on my thigh?" i asked mom, joking of course

"I don't want to change schools because of all the reasons I've already told you a thousand times. If you don't want to believe me, that's fine. Goodnight" rory said nad walked into her bedroom, slamming her bedroom door

"does he have a motorcycle? 'Cause if you're gonna throw your life away he better have a motorcycle!" mom yelled

"im just gonna go-" i said and took my box and walked upstairs

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