Intoxicated Dean

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Cassie smiled at me "hes cute, but is he your type?"

"hes with my sister, so that makes him my type" I said

We laugh

After a bit i go and sit by the water, ignoring the cold shiver i get when i dip my finger in

i dig through my purse finding the vape, i take a big puff and push it in my laungs, i keep it in for 3 seconds before exhaling the cloud of smoke

i put the vape back in my bag, and look off into the distance

"can i sit?"

I look up to see the brunette boy standing over me

"you? always" I smile sweetly

he sits down besides me and offers me a bottle of ginger ale

"thanks" i say, opening it and taking a long sip

"hows rory?" He asks

i roll my eyes "bitchy"

"Rory? bitchy?"

"She called me a slut, cause i was wearing a dress she could never pull off" i said

"the dress you wore to the formal?"

I nodded

"She definetley couldnt pull it off, she dosent have the boobs" He said

i laughed

"or the legs"

i look at him and smile

"dean, dean, dean, dean, dean" I say


"you have a girlfriend" i remind

"do i?"

I nod

"intoxicated people dont remember certain things" He says

"you dont drink" i said, playing hard to get

"we can pretned you dont know that" He winks at me

I laugh and put a hand through his hair, he looks into my eyes longingly

"and what is Intoxicated dean thinking about?" i ask, taking my hand away from his hair

"hes thinking about how much prettier you are then rory" he says

"and how much more is that?"

He puts a hand on my cheek and kisses me

"that much" He whispers

"i didnt really get that" i whisper "how me again"

he smiled and kisses me again, this time with more passion and tounge

i pull away and smile

"i really like intoxicated dean" i joke

"Noted" He whispers

i laugh and kiss him again

Sorry for the short chapter, but i promise ill post tomorrow and it'll be longer!

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Go check out my book 'The Forbidden Fairy'


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