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A/n: thank you to XOJade0902XO for voting on the last chapter<33 love you<33


"i swear, spencer, this is like, the best place on the planet" i assure him, we've been driving around for 2 hours now, just talking, and getting to know each othet

"ill hold you to that" He says as we park on the street, i get out in a hurry, Spencer right behind me

"luke" i sing as i walk in the Diner

Luke blesses us with his presents as he comes out of the kitchen "whats up?"

"food" i tell him, sitting down at the counter, Spencer takes a seat beside me

"what will it be, Lor?" Hes the only person in the world that calls me Lor, he gavce my nickname a nickname of its own


"we dont have cake"

"can you make some?"

"its gonna take a bit"

"ill wait" i say "can it be birthday cake?"

"birthday cake? your birthday just past"

''no no no, i mean, you know the cake with the sprinkles inside? its vanilla cake with sprinkles inside and creme cheese frosting"

"okay, and for you-"

"and a mango smoothie" i add, he glares at me and nods, then turns to Spence

"for you?"

"could i see a menu?"

"who is this kid?" Luke asked me

"hes not a kid, Luke, hes 18" Luke raises his eyebrows


I nod

Luke glares at Spencer

"a-actually, ill just have some of that cake, with a choclate shake please" Spencer says quickly, avoidng eye contact with Luke

"uh huh" Luke mummbles then turns to me, "Scarlett, come show me how much sprinkles you want in your cake"

Scarlett, not Lor

"sure" i hope off my stool and folloe him into the ktichen

"what are you doing with that boy?" He whisper-shouts "does your mother now?!"

"jesus calm down dad" i joke "she does now" She knows im with a boy...but she dosent know his age.....

"what is he? a druggie?" Luke says and peaks out of the kitchen, no doubt looking at spencer "why does he keep blinking like that?"

"hes not a druggie" i say "leave him alone, hes fine"

"Where did you meet this boy thats two times your age?" He asks

"first, hes only two years older than me, second, we work together"

"work? he works at your clothong design thing with you?"

I shook my head "its, um, the BAU"  He looked confused "the Behavoir Analyst Unit"

"i know what it is" He lies "he works there?"

I nod "hes been interning there for awhile, and now i internt there and- why am i telling you this? your not my father" i snap

Luke lets out a breath and starts making the cake batter "listen, lor, i care about you, and i just dont want you hanging out with the wrong people"

I snort "Spencer is the right kind of people, trust me"

Luke nods, and hands me a plastic measuring cup, and a big bowl of sprinkles, on the counter is the vanilla batter

I throw the measuring cup in the sink and dump the entire bowl of sprinkles in the bowl of batter

Luke looks at dumbfounded, and i smile and walk back into the diner, Spencer is now sitting at a table near the window

I sat down across from him, and studied his face as he watches the people as they walk past

I love his eyes, they're the kind of eyes you can get lost into if you look at them to long, i wouldnt mind getting lost in his eyes

He turns his head and looks at me, and i smile, he smiles back

Damn, those eyes are perfect

"thank you" he says, then i relize ive said everything outloud

"uh- ,your welcome" i mummble as luke brings us our drinks, his choclate shake, and my mango smoothie, with Spencers shake theres a tin cup with some extra of his shake

I sit back in my chair, and sip through my purple straw



"you dont regret what happened in the hotel room?" He asked, twirling his clear straw in his glass, i shake my head

"i dont regret it a bit" i tell him, with another sip of my smoothie

"do you, um, think that it was a bit quick?"

"not at all, spence, you did perfect"

"i mean it was a bit quick for us to do that when we pretty much had just met" He said, then smiled "but thank you"

"well, i mean, we did just meet" i said "i guess it was quick..."

"so, what should we do?"

"what do you want to do?"

"i, i dont know" he says

"wow, the Great Dr.Spencer Reid with an IQ of 187 dosent know what to do?" i tease

He chuckles and smiles slightly "it-its up to you"

"its really not, your part of this too"

"what do you want to be?" He asks "i mean, us, what do you want us to be"

I thoght for a moment, and played with my straw "well, we just met, so its not like were gonne be boyfriend-girlfriend"


"but, its not like that night didnt mean anything"

He nods

"and, i-i think your great-"

"i think your great too" he inturupts, and says quickly taking my hands in his

"your smart, and funny-"

"so are you"

"and i do like you, but-"

"but what?" he askes quickly

"but i work with you"

He sits back in his seat, his hands on his head "so? who cares Red, we dont even work theree fully, were interns, who cares?"

I nod, "so now what"

He shrugs "i dont know"

I lean back in my chair "lables are overrated"

"totally overrated"

"and if you like me, which you obviously do-"

"obviously" he inturupts

"and i like you"


"whats stopping us?"

"age diffrence"

I scoff "i dont care, and if you dont, then thats it"

He takes a long sip of his shake, thinking, when he finnaly stops, he looks up at me "lets take things slowly, agreed?"


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