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A/n: thank you to tbhideklmfao for all the votes! xoxo <33


At about 1oclock, everyone went home, so it was just me, noah, holly, rose and william

I walked into the kitchen of the beautiful beach house, and Rose was making a smoothie, she was wearing black pj shorts and a pink spaghettie strap top

"hey rose"

"yes darling" She said "do you want a smoothie?"

"yes please"

"do you like mango?"

"absalutley love it"

"good" She continued making the smoothie "what was the question?"

"i dont have any pajamas, and my clothes are back at your house"

"i put some of my older ones on the guest bed" She says

"ok, thank you" i chirped and walked upstairs

I walked into the first bedroom and walked to the bed, there was a pair of pajamas laying on the bed

I walked into the first bedroom and walked to the bed, there was a pair of pajamas laying on the bed

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I took off my dress and put on the shorts and the shirt

i looked myself in the mirror "you've got to be kidding me" i mummbled

I turned around and you could see a bit of my ass, and i turned and looked at myself

You could see so much clevege, it kinda made ma look like a slut

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen "Rose, do you have a sweater-"

My mouth stopped, and i saw Noah sitting at the island, with one mango smoothie in his hand and one mango smoothie on the table

"uh, wheres your mom" i asked, trying to cover my body

"shes in the shower, here" he took off his black zip up hoodie, and handed it to me

I gratefully took it and put it over me, zipping it up

"this is yours" he said, gesutring to the cup on the counter

I sat down opposite of him, and took a long sip of my smoothie

"jease im tired" i mummbled

"go to bed then, you know where the guest room is" he said

"guest room" I heard someone say, Noah and i looked to the entrance of the living room, rose and william walked in

"why would she have to sleep in the guest room if you guys are together?" William asked

"well, im sure mom wouldnt want us to sleep in the same bed together" Noah said

"oh i dont mind honey"

"well, great, um, come on babe" He said, putting our cups in the sink, he took my hand and we walked past Rose and william

"wait" Rose said "can i talk to Scarlett?"

i nodded

"my bedroom is the last one at th end of the hall" he said, and kissed my forehead "ill meet you up there"

Then he walked up the stairs

"alone" Rose said

William rolled his eyes and walked into the living room

"i just wamted to say thank you again" She said

"no problem, i enjoyed making the dress" I smiled

"here" she pulled a envelope out of her pocket, and handed it to me

"i cant except this" i told her

"take it, Scarlett, you deserve it" She pushed it in my hands

"thank you, so much" i said

"now get up there," she said "dont be too loud though"

She winked and i laughed and walked up to      Noah's room

My purse was hung up on a hook on his door, i slipped the envelope in it, shut the door and turned around

Noah was laying on the couch, with some blankets over him

"what are you doing?" i asked

"going to sleep"

"you take your bed,  ill sleep on the couch" i insited

"nope, your my girlfriend, you get the bed" he says back

"if im you girlfriend, i say, sleep on the bed with me"  i lay on the bed and cover myself with the fluffy grey blanket

I turned to the side and closed my eyes

I felt the bed being weighed down, and i turn to see Noah laying down beside me, he put some of the blanket over him


"by the way, were talking about this whole thing in the morning" i mummble

"what thing?"

"the me-being-your-girlfriend thing"

"ah, right"


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