Its True

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Thank you to XOJade0902XO for being the first to vote on the last chapter <3

Also.....happy chapter 50!


Thats the outfit i put on along with a matching bow and black flats

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Thats the outfit i put on along with a matching bow and black flats

I park in the parking lot of Behavoir Anaylst Unit, take a breath and get out of my car

My heart is racing as i open the door, theres a tall, dark handsome man leaning against the front desk

"Gilmore?" He asks, i nod, he offers his hand, i shake it and he hands me a black landyard with a ID tag attatched to it

"thanks" i say and put it around my neck

"im Derek Morgan" he says "people call me Morgan" i nod

"follow me" he says, i follow him through a pair of doors and into an office

We walk down the three steps and into the office, and he sits at his desk, i stand behind him and take in the sight

theres a couple people sitting at there desk, one boy catches my eye

He's sitting at a desk, with a chess board infront of him, he's cute, around my age, with his hair slicked back, and a tag like mine on his desk

An older man walks in and moves a white peice off the chess board

"check, checkmate in 3 movies" he says and walks away

The boy looks down at the board "what...?"

"you know you'll beat him when you start learning" Morgan says to him

"learning what?"

"to think outside the box" He finishes

The boy shakes his head and looks at the chess board

A woman walks in, shiny black hair down to her shoulders "question for you" She says to morgan


"the footpath killer, why did he stutter?"

"come on, Elle, we've all asked him ,we wont say" Morgan answrrs, fiddling with a pen

"he wants us to figure it out" the boy says

"ok, im up for a challenge" the woman whos name is Elle replies

"good, because these are for you" a blonde woman says walking into the office, dropping files on the Desk elle kleans on

"special Agent jennifer Jareau, J.J if you like"  she says


"greenaway--highest bumber of solved cases in the BAU 3 years running, specialty in sex offendeer cases"

"not bad" Elle says

"Well, I'm the unit liaison. My specialty is untangling bureaucratic knots. You'll probably be talking to me a lot. My door's always open, mostly because I'm never in my office, so just call me on my cell, OK? We'll talk." she says and walks out of the office

A guy walks along the mezzanine holding a disk of some kind

"BAU team, can you meet me in the confrence room please? i need to show you somthing" he says, Elle, Morgan and the boy  gets up and follows the guy, morgan gestures me to follow them

We enter the confrence room and everyone sits down, Morgan pats the seat beside him i sit, on my left if morgan, on my right is the boy

The guy who led us in here sits down to "ok first thing, say hello to the newest student intern, Scarlett Gimore" He says "im Aaron, you can call me hotch, you already know Morgan, thats Elle, thats Gideon" he gestures to the older guy "thats JJ' he gestures to the girl with the blonde hair "and thats spencer reid, he's one of our student interns aswell"

"hi" i say

they all smile at me, then Hotch shows us a video of some kid filming a fire happening in a dormatory out the widnow, then gas leaks through the door and someone gets set on fire


Soon, were on a private jet

"there are 2 common streesors for a serial arsonist" Spencer says from beside me on the jet, he's setting up his chess board

"loss of jon, loss of love" Elle and i say at the same time, she smiles at me

"when was the last fire?" Morgan asks

Hotch opens a file "march, uh, the next one was in may, and the third one wasnt til setptember, then two weeksa later there were three in one night"

"hes speeding up, fires got close together" Gideon says

"hey, reid, you got a statistic on arsonists?" Morgan asks

"82% are white males between 17 and 27 female arsonists are far less likely, their motive typically being revenge" He says

"sounds like our boys a student"

they keep talking, and i look at Spencer

"how old are you?" i ask



He nods "ive been doing this since i was 16"

"im sixteen"

"i know"

I raise an eyebrow

"i found your file"

"my file?"

He nods

"and what does my file say?" i quip

"that you have a 7.0 GPA"

"impressed?" i asked, putting my feet up on the table and crossing them at the ankles

"not really, i have 7.1 GPA"

I roll my eyes

"my IQ is 187" he says proudly

"mines 188"

"shut up"

"its true"

i have a question for you guys:

Do you guys mind when i crossover characters from diffrent series?

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