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𝚁𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚢'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠.

"HEY." I LOOK THROUGH THE SMALL gap in the wall, hearing Monty and Jasper call out to me and Dylan.

"What now?" Dylan mutters, standing on my bed to look and see Jasper staring back at him.

"What's up?" I ask, standing on my bed as well and bumping into Dylan. "Dude!" Dylan almost falls but I caught him.

"Sorry!" I chuckled and looked back at Monty and Jasper. "I think we're leaving today." Monty tells us in a quiet voice.

I furrow my eyebrows. "What? Leave— like die?" My eyes widen at the thought.

"No, go to the ground. I over heard the guards talking about it." Monty confesses.

"Really?" Dylan narrows his eyes. "No bull shitting us? You did that yesterday when you said we could get ice cream." Dylan crossed his arms over his chest.

"We will!" Jasper chimes in. I smile but then cough a few times, breathing heavily before finding the strength to breath again.

"They might as well kill us now, I can barley breath in here as it is." Dylan gets off my bed and we both lay down.

"No, I want to see earth." Dylan argues and sighs, picking up his pencil. "What are you drawing now?" I ask him.

"Not sure." He shrugs. "Maybe flowers? Remember when Danny showed those flowers? I think I'm going to draw them."

"How can you even remember those flowers?" I ask, going over to sit beside him on his bed.

"All I know is they were red." Dylan glares at me. "They were pink," I furrow my eyebrows, I could've swore they were red.

"Whatever." I yawn, leaning almost on Dylan. I grab my book that I had in my hands, and open it.

I see scribbles and drawings all over the pages. I whip my head over to him but he's captivated by his drawing.

"Dylan!" He looks over at me confused. "What?" He asks. I hold the book in front of his face. He chuckles, before going back to drawing.

"Stay out of my stuff." He scoffs. "What's yours is mine." He decides. I raise an eyebrow.

"I don't think so." I say quietly. He looks back down, not saying anything, just going back to work on his flowers.

I huff, going back to my bed and laying down. I start reading, hearing Monty and Jasper arguing on the other side of the wall.

After a few quiet minutes, our door slams open. Two guards come in. "Prisoners 123 and 124, face the wall."

We immediately shoot up, and look at each other. "Turn around." One of the guard demands.

When we don't immediately turn around, they force us too. "Dylan..." I trail off. "It's going to be alright." He whispers back.

They grabbed my wrist and I hiss in pain when feeling thousands of tiny needles going into my arm.

I rip my arm away seeing a thick band now covering my left wrist. There is little blue lights all around it.

"Are we going to the ground?" I try to keep my voice strong. I try and turn around but they push me back. "Can't discuss that prisoner."

In a blink of an eye, we were forced out the door. My eyes widen seeing all the prisoners out and with a guard.

I start freaking out, and I try to push through them. "Wait!" I hear Dylan yell out as I'm thrown into the ground.

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