Chapter 5

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     Manon's POV

        After the Witch Queen left, she didn't stop once, save for when evening fell.  When it began to get dark, Manon and Abraxos bunkered down in a small clearing.  When dawn came, they set off again.  This routine happened the next day to, until they arrived in Adarlan's capital the next day.  When she arrived in Rifthold, Manon landed Abraxos in one of the castle's larger gardens.  The guards standing watch jumped back at the sight of the witch and her wyvern.

      When they started to approach, Manon said, "leave him alone, and he'll leave you alone.  Now bring me to your king."

   Most of the guards, being too afraid to object, just gulped and nodded.  There was  one however, who started to object.

      "I don't think-"

    He was interrupted by Yrene Westfall coming out of the main set of glass doors and into the sun filled garden, a hand resting atop her swollen belly and a pale blue shawl slung over her shoulders.

     Her eyes widened in shock when she saw the witch standing beside her mount, arms crossed and her mouth forming a smirk.  

     "Manon?!  What are you doing here?" The healer exclaimed.

     "I came to discuss kingdom matters to Dorian," Manon told her.

      "Oh he'll be positively delighted  to see you!  Follow me, I'll bring you to him," Yrene gestured to Manon to follow her.

      The healer and the witch stepped into the castle.  Inside, Yrene led Manon through a series of halls before stopping before a door and turning to her.

      "He's in here sparring with Chaol," Yrene informed Manon, "come I'll bring you upstairs and then send him up.  You can surprise him

    Manon nodded vaguely.  Yrene started moving again, leading her to a seemingly forgotten staircase.  At the top, they turned down a few more halls before stopping at another door.  

     "Just in here.  He'll be up soon," Yrene told her, grinning mischievously.

    Manon raised a brow at the healer's grin but opened the door and went inside.  Yrene closed the door behind her and Manon heard her moving off, her footsteps eventually faded away.  After a moment of just standing there, Manon collapsed into an armchair, exhausted.  Not long after, Manon heard the returning steps of Yrene, as well as Chaol and Dorian.  Smirking, the witch stood from the chair she was lounged in, and slipped into the joining bathroom.  Just as the bathroom door clicked shut, Manon heard the creaking of the main chamber door opening before the click of it closing a moment later.

      "What was so important that you interrupted our sparing, Yrene?" Manon heard Dorian ask.

      "Bathroom," the healer said simply, a slight laugh edging her voice.  

      Manon leaned against the doorframe, crossing her arms.

     And as Dorian opened the door, she said, "hello princeling."


  Fenrys POV  

        Fenrys watched as the blond haired witch leapt into the air and took off in a southwest direction.  The Fae male watched the fading female until she disappeared into the hazy sky.  When she was gone, Fenrys turned back to Rabin and Laena, who had followed after him and Asterin.

       "Do you need help with rebuilding?"

       "We've got it handled, thank you," Laena said tersely, crossing her arms.

        Fenrys nodded, "then I'll be off."

        The two humans watched as Fenrys shifted and bounded into the woods.  


        Aelin's POV

             Aelin was sitting in one of her castles many parlours having tea with Lysandra, who had just returned from Caraverre with Aedion and Evangeline.  The two of them were snickering over something when Aedion came into the room to inform Aelin that Fenrys had just returned.  Aelin left to meet Fenrys in the courtyard, Lysandra and Aedion following her, Rowan also joininh along the way.

        "What new do you have?" Aelin asked when the four of them arrived to where he friend was waiting.

        "The villagers are hastily rebuilding.  Other than that, the only news I have is that they know who did it."

      "Who?" Aelin asked, crossing her arms.

       "A rogue group of Crochan Witches," Fenrys answered.

        "A group of Crochans you say?  Does Manon know about this?"  Rowan asked, moving to stand beside his wife.

        "She must at least know about the group of witches because I ran into Asterin Blackbeak."

        Aedion grimaced, "what was she doing there?"

       "Looking for the group of Crochans," Fenrys told him before turning back to Aelin and Rowan, "when she heard the witches were headed back towards the Witch Kingdom, she fled on her wyvern in a panic.  From her reaction and from what the villagers said what happened, I'd assume that the witches don't have any good intentions."

      The Queen nodded, "so Asterin wants to warn her.  We have two problems with that.  One is that the Crochans left at least a day and a half before Asterin.  The second is, that even if Asterin did get to the Wastes before the Crochans, she wouldn't find Manon."

    Aedion look at his cousin and confusion, "why not?"

  "Manon went to visit Dorian in Rifthold," Aelin explained.

    "Then we might have another problem on our hands," Lysandra cut in.

     "What is that?" Aedion asked her.

    "If Manon left to visit Dorian, what's to stop the Crochans from reeking havoc across the Wastes?"  Aelin answered for her friend.


     Unknown POV

          The wind blew in her hair as she followed her group.  Thoughts burning through her head like a hurricane.

       Who was that Ironteeth witch that she deserved to be crowned Queen after all these years...And after all the Crohans she had slain.  

     The girl and her coven did not care that Manon Blackbeak was part Crochan.  They wanted this so called "Queen" off the Witch throne...And dead.

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