Chapter 8

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            Aelin's POV  

        Aelin  was worried, a feeling she didn't think she would feel again in such depth since the war ended only a few months ago.  She was finally home, she had finally accepted her birthright, Erawan and Maeve were both dead.  What was there to be worried about?  

        The Wastes.  Since fighting together so much during the war, Manon had become one of Aelin's closest friends and allies.  And if there were enemies of the Wastes who may threaten not only the Witch Kingdom but also Ansel odf Briarcliff's kingdom, then those enemies had made an enemy of Terrasen.  She just hoped that it wouldn't lead to a war.  Terrasen and most other countries in Erilea were still in their beginning stages of rebuilding.  Another war could be catastrophic.  Still, if one occurred, Terrasen would be there to help.  Aelin and her court would be on the front line of the battle to protect their friends, that much, at least, Aelin could be sure.  

         Aelin and Rowan were sparring when these thoughts flooded through her mind.  And Rowan, knowing his mate so well, knew something was wrong.

       "Fireheart," he said, pausing their spar mid-strike, "are you alright?"

        Aelin looked at him, blinking to clear her mind, "I'm fine, Buzzard.  Though I do believe it's time for lunch."

      Nodding in agreement, Rowan sheathed his sword as Aelin did the same.   Grabbing the other one's hand, the two of them made their way back to the castle.  When they arrived, they went back to  their private rooms to eat lunch with only each other for company.  They tended to do that these days, eat meals together and with no one else.  With Aelin busy with her duties as Queen and Rowan helping with the rebuilding, they rarely got moments alone together aside from their daily sparring and meals.  

      "Fireheart," Rowan said not long after their meal had been delivered to their rooms. "I know you don't want to talk, but I can tell something is wrong, so would you please  tell me what's bothering you?"

      Aelin looked up and sighed, "I'm worried about the Wastes.  And Manon.  And Ansel.  And the rest of Erilea in general."

     "How come?"

     "What would become of us if there were to be another war?  We only just came out of one...we all lost too much from the previous one."  Aelin looked at her palm, where the prove of her vow to Nehemia had long since been gone due to Maeve, for emphasis.  

     "Aelin, we all lost far to much to let another war happen-" Rowan started.

     "But what if it does?" Aelin interrupted, "what if more pain and despair and loss meet us?  What if we never stop fighting?" By now the Queen's eyes were turning silver.

     "Then we will fight it, just as we did before.  And we will overcome it, just as we did before," Rowan replied, pulling his wife into his arms.

      The two rulers stood there for the rest of their meal, Aelin lightly sobbing into her mate's shoulder, and Rowan holding her, inwardly cursing the gods who no longer existed for putting his Fireheart through so much at such a young age.  

Rowan's POV

       Rowan sometimes forgot Aelin was only nineteen.  In her eyes, she was years older.  Even now, even with the war over, she still had that pain and tiredness in her eyes that Rowan would do anything to remove. Unfortunately, Rowan suspected it would remain there for years to come. For that reason, he was deeply grateful for Fenrys. The male had been the only reason Aelin had gotten through her time with Maeve. 

       Rowan's thoughts trailed to how much his Queen has had to bear over the years, especially the last one. In only a year, Aelin had to withhold under torture of all kinds and the dread of knowing in the back of her head that she would have to sacrifice herself to close the gate. 

       "Well, this has been fun, but I've got to go. Queenly duties await," Aelin said, turning to Rowan and giving him a quick kiss.

      "I assume more of those 'endless meetings with these insufferable lords', as you put it?" Rowan smirked, "meet you for dinner?"

      Aelin only winked before sauntering off to presumably change out of her suit and into something more fitting for her station. Rowan watched his Queen swagger out of the dining hall before turning and setting off to find Fenrys.  

      He found the male talking to Lysandra in a far corner of the dining hall. When Lysandra spotted him, she gestured to Fenrys and nodded in greeting. Just as he was approaching, Aedion came from who knows where saying he needed Lysandra urgently. Eyerows raised high, the woman let him lead her away. 

      "What do you need?" The shifter asked, leaning against a stone wall in the corridor they stood in as she crossed her arms over her chest.

      "I...have you talked to Aelin recently?" 

      Lysandra answered quickly, "last night, we had tea together. Why?"

      "Did you notice her acting strange? From my perspective, I know her well enough to know something is off but I don't know if it's just me," Rowan explained, staring down at the brunette. 

     The Lady of Caraverre thought it over for a moment before responding, "I mean, now that I think about it she did seem a little...distant. But she's still healing so I don't think it was that strange."

    Rowan shook is head slightly, "It could be but I don't think so. She's more distant than normal. I'm worried about her."

   "Rowan," Lysandra layed a gentle hand on his arm, "you mean everything to her. She tells you things she doesn't tell the rest of us.  She will tell you eventually, that I'm almost sure of."

   "I know, I'm just worried it will be to late when she finally does," Rowan said, a slight shake in his breath.

   The two stood in the empty corridor in silence, both of them staring out the window to the city below. It was lightly snowing, dusting the homes and shops like powdered sugar dusting a cake.  A cold wind blew threw from the bitter outside, causing both of them to shudder. Aelin had been right when she said that Terrasen experienced harsh winters, but Rowan couldn't complain. He felt more at home here, with her, then he ever had in Doranelle. Lysandra seemed to agree from the way a small smile danced across her face as she stared out at the snow blanketing the homes outside. Glancing down, Rowan noticed her hand still lingering on his forearm. She must have forgotten it was there so he patted it and shrugged it off. Seemingly not wanting to break the peacefull silence, she mouthed an apology before turning back to the window.

    Not a moment later, the peacefulness was broken by a guard rushing through the open doorway, his eyes glancing frantically around the room. When they finally landed on the duo, his brown eyes relaxed.

    "The Queen is in need of the both of you in the council room. She says it's urgent and that you must hurry," the messenger said breathlessly. Rowan and Lysandra glanced at each other for barely a moment before sprinting to the council room. 

A/N: I am so so so sorry I haven't posted the next chapter for this for so long. Gosh it's been almost a year lol. To be honest, I sort of lost motivation, mostly because it wasn't getting many reads. But I'm greatful for the reads I have gotten thus far so thank you! I'll try to post a bit more consistently but I am extremely busy with school and my sport. Until next time, Kate:)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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