Chapter 17

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[That's a first coming from her.]

"Should we like leave? I'm sure pigsy and Tang are worried..."

"Psssh. Let's lock ourselves here. If we leave I might Punch Him in the face."

"Mei come on...."

Grabbing her hand Mei Sighs and Avoided Donghai's Gaze. "I'm upset okay....I just....I don't know Hai Mk has never raised a Hand on me. On us!" She Exclaimed and Bit her lips. She's trying her best not to cry and She's really wondering on how the fuck Donghai is keeping her tears with no effort or something.

"He Looks So Different! And I hate it!"

"I know...I know..."

Wiping away her tears Mei Throwed away the pillows while sniffling. Can't blame her She looks like she's piling it up and she too is still Recovering. "I suggest that we keep ourselves still... calm your emotions, let it all out" floating Infront of the two Girls Tripitaka Smiled gently.

"You need it."

"Master but....Mk is waiting downstairs...."

"And he needs to understand that you three need to Process everything. Keep yourselves calm and If you two are in a rational position to think then that's Fine."

Indeed Mei looks like she's about to Go Punch someone. And Donghai is well. She looks like a dumb brain and can't think straight. "Hai Silence is not Bad. Sometimes it's peace itself and You are learning Am I right? You kept yourself in and Avoided fights. Well maybe but You are also Taking a baby steps there." He smiled, and Donghai Chuckled at his Soft demeanor.

Tripitaka really is that definition of The best Guardian a Mortal could have. Who wouldn't like him? He's like a Teacher,Father and a friend.

"You know We can't always lock ourselves here right?"

Glancing to The Dragon Girl Mei Sighs and Donghai only laughed at her Red face. "I know. Okay Fine I'll just go And grab some snacks. You stay here and Don't Touch your Wound!" Closing the door Donghai Grumbled and really the Bandages are starting to get itchy and Tripitaka has to be the one to slap her hand away from scratching it.

"Don't even try scratching that"

"It's itchy Trip. Should I just Lick it or something?"

"You can't even lick your Eye Hai— Just stop it–"

"I don't know what Came to me....It's.... I don't know I just—"

"Bud-Bud, Mk listen"

The fight with the Shadow Demon was not that Bad and it takes a lot of words of encouragement from Wukong to let his Succesor Go All out and Crush Macaque. And he did say they need a serious talk so they did.

Wukong first Scolded the young boy, and Mk has explained his side why he got involved by this Shadowy Monkey Business he has. And Well.....Wukong doesn't really know is he should be mad or Not? Mk just wants to be strong.

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