Chapter 6:: Azure

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Author's POV: 

You stared at him quietly before looking away. 
"I'm sure you'd never know why I did that... after all, you're just a gangster who lives in this lonely mansion. What would you know about care?" He didn't respond. You noticed how he blinked a few times, looking down. His slightly raised brows and pressed lips, as if he was wondering about something. Did you just say something too harsh? You were sure you did, but he deserved it.

No matter how uneasy your own words made you feel, he deserved it. You were adamant he did. 

He got up and said, "Look. I have no intentions of harming you for any reason. And you can't go away from me for 3 months. 90 days, you are with me. So you should try to adjust to everyone and everything in the house. After 3 months, I'll release you safe and sound, you only have to survive here."
"I don't deserve this."
You whispered out. He didn't reply and walked near the bedroom door. Turning his head, he saw your closed eyes as you were lying there, weakly. 
"You don't." He whispered and went out of the room.


You coughed a little and sighed. Suddenly, you saw Jo entering the room with a tray in his hand. It had food, not grass but real food. Burgers, a slice of pizza, chicken fry, bread with spread cheese, a few sushis, apple juice along with water and cola. 

Was this food for 10 people? Jo placed the huge tray on your bed as you stared at the tray and at him. 
"Please have this, you shouldn't faint again." He said. 
"That's all?" You asked, not knowing why you had to get on his nerves but yeah, you did anyway. 
"Nope... dessert's on its way," Jo said. You wanted to gasp but didn't. You gulped and looked at the food, it looked delicious. 
"If you don't like this, you can tell me what you want," Jo said. You shook your head immediately and said, "It's good..."

He pressed his lips together and said, "I'll bring in the dessert shortly. Please have this, and also, you shouldn't hate Mr Kim so much. He's the one who ordered the cook to make all these for you." 
You frowned and scoffed, looking away. You would never have a positive feeling about him. No matter whatever 'good' thing he did, he was still a kidnapper who created the 2 worst days of your life. 

As Jo left, you quickly looked at the food. It appeared so delicious. A smile spread across your lips. This was the first time you smiled in the past 2 days. 
You gulped and took the pizza, taking a bite. You moaned immediately, it was so good. 

You could cry. The food was so good. You started eating, slowly. You were starving and the food right now was heaven to you. 

—Some time passed by and you noticed how you swallowed half of the tray. 
"Umm.." You thinned your lips and said, "How did I leave out only a piece of chicken and some sushis... Was I that hungry?" 
Sighing, you waited for the dessert. Yeah, you still hated it here but you had no idea the food here was delicious. It somehow soothed you. But wait— what if he poisoned the food? 

Your uneasy expression soon eased as you heard Jo speaking, "No, it's not poisoned.." 
He served the tray of desserts which again, made you gasp. Donuts, eclairs, pastry, brownies and a chocolate milkshake? It seemed like a show right now. Was he showing off his 'generosity' which didn't exist? 

"What?" You asked Jo who said, "You say out your thoughts loudly.. I guess. But rest assured, it's not poisoned. It was tasted by the chef first. We don't eat food which isn't tasted by the chefs first." 
You nodded and gulped, embarrassed. Okay, he didn't have to know how far your thoughts went.

Jo soon left again. And you— dug in the dessert, again. 


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