Part 2

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It was Tuesday morning and Jotaro Kujo found himself walking to school, since it was only a few blocks away. Although there was an odd tension lingering around in the air. It made him feel uneasy and that was quite rare for someone like him, he let out a sigh. "Good grief, the hell is this feeling.." the Kujo muttered angrily, tipping his hat down and proceeded to walk to school. Jotaro looked up and remembered, Kibe Mokomo's house was up ahead. One of his best friends, they had been inseparable since primary school. That is with his other and only other friend, Oba Kyoko.

Perhaps I should walk with Kibe today, it's been awhile since we've done that.. he thought to himself making his way other to the blonde boys large house. Kibe was very wealthy, perhaps even wealthier than Jotaro himself, Mokomo's parents were both very successful business men. (his parents are gay btw) Although instead of living somewhere nice the family of three had settled down in Tokyo for a quiet life, Kibe was a very generous person as well for someone who has his own Mercedes at the age of 17. People like that would usually turn into a spoiled brat.

He quite liked Kibe for the fine person he's become and so he respected him, which wasn't a very often thing for Jotaro to do. As he made his way inside the Mokomo's garden, Jotaro admired the neatly lined flowers in the entrance. The Kujo knocked on the door and waited to see a familiar face to pop out and greet him, after a minute of waiting someone had came. 

"Ah, Jotaro! It's been a while since you've been here" Kibe said giving him a soft smile. "Yeah guess so, I was wondering if you wanted to walk to school with me? As you said it has been a while" Jotaro said giving him an unreadable face, the blonde boy nodded. "Sure thing! Lemme just go and get my bag" and before he knew it he had ran inside to fetch his belongings.


The two boys had started walking to school together, side by side. Although the same tense aura was still lingering around him, he rolled his shoulders as if that would relieve some stress which didn't. Kibe had noticed Jotaro had seemed a bit off today, "hey Jojo, are you alright?" he asked the taller male. The black haired boy looked over at him. "Guess so, things have been feeling.." he paused not sure on how to word it. Kibe suddenly stopped in his tracks glaring at the ground leaving Jotaro to stare at him with an emotionless look with a hint of worry behind it.

"Off? Things have been feeling off, right? I get it.. I really do. The past few days.. no weeks.. have felt really weird if you had to ask me. Like as if something really life changing is about to happen. Do ya get what I mean?" Kibe tried to explain looking at him with a worried smile, Jotaro nodded. Out of the corner of his eye he saw someone in a school uniform with cherry red hair walking to school as well, he knew this person but couldn't figure out why he didn't remember his name. So he decided to wait a few minutes until he was gone. 

"Yeah I get what you mean." he said quietly just loud enough for Kibe to hear watching as the red-head walked out of sight, "do you know that person?" the boy asked Jotaro. "I think so, but whoever it is I've probably forgotten" he said tipping his hat down and glanced at his watch. "Good grief, hurry up, walk and talk instead of stopping to speak we're gonna be late." Jotaro turned back around and began walking again.

"Jojo, are you sure if you're alright? You usually don't care if you're gonna be late or-" Kibe tried to say before getting Jotaros piercing blue gaze fixed on him, it was clear he was mad. "I said we're going to be late" he said quickening his pace, the only reason he wanted to get to class so quickly was an attempt to get rid of this off feeling around him. Perhaps being around more people would help. It made him feel sick and he couldn't stand it anymore.


Since it was Tuesday morning Jotaro had English class first up, he usually skipped this class but lately he couldn't be bothered to. On his way into class was as pathetic as ever, today his fangirls seemed to have increased which made him mad. He just wanted to be left alone, is that too much to ask for? Jotaro slumped down in his chair and tipped his hat, an attempt to let his thoughts run.

Kakyoin. His thoughts ran around the name Kakyoin, where had he heard that name before? It was on the edge of his mind, he couldn't figure out where though. Kakyoin.. Kakyoin.. Kakyoin! Right. The person who he had seen walking to school earlier, the person who was sitting behind him right now. The person who had that beautiful cherry like hair and amethyst coloured eyes. The person who... suddenly his mind stopped. What was he thinking?

5 long years without ever thinking of that Kakyoin person, until this very moment. Why had he thought of him? Good grief. What an odd few weeks.. why can't everything just be like how it used to be. His normal quiet life in primary school. Without annoying girls. And without any uneasy feelings. Just being a carefree child.

Suddenly he heard someone call out his name, it was Mr Avdol. He looked up with irritated blue eyes. "Jotaro Kujo and Noriaki Kakyoin will be paired up for the assignment.. and then we have Insumu Tyskuo and.." Good grief, random pairing up for this damn assignment? How annoying. He didn't bother turning around to face the red-head he refused to. So instead he let him come to him instead.

It felt like hours had passed until Kakyoin came up besides his desk. "Uhm.. hello Jotaro, do you mind if I sit with you? To talk about the assignment of course.." he seemed nervous, however the uneasy feeling came back when he spoke. He was tired of this feeling. He just wanted it to go away already before he snaps at someone he really doesn't want to.

"Whatever" he muttered crossing his arms he glanced over to the other direction, looking out the window. Clear blue skies in Japan today. He heard Kakyoin drag over a chair to sit in front of the black haired boy, although Jotaro still didn't make eye contact. "Since this seems like a pretty difficult assignment, we only have two days to finish it Mr Advol said. So we're gonna need to maybe.." he paused waiting for Jotaro give him some sort of acknowledgement that he was listening.

Jotaro sighed looking Kakyoin in his plum coloured eyes, making direct eye contact with an unreadable expression. "As I way saying.. we're probably going to work on it outside of school so we could meet up somewhere..? Or just work on it together at one of our houses. I'm fine with it being mine in case you don't want too.." he suggested.

"Sure, I don't care so just do your thing." Jotaro said bluntly, still looking at Kakyoin not breaking the eye contact. "O-oh! Yes! Okay sorry I'm going to need your phone number if thats okay..? Only so we could arrange everything." The red-head said stuttering then breaking eye contact with him. He got out a note pad and a pen. And looked at Jojo as though he was waiting for him to make the next move.

Jotaro took the pen and notepad off of him and scribbled in his phone number, handing it back quickly. "Thank you!" Kakyoin thanked him, dragging his seat back to where his own desk was. Before he knew it the bell had rung and it was time for him to go to lunch.


End of the school day.

School had just finished and he was exiting biology class with Kibe, one of his favourite classes. Sometimes they would learn about marine biology which was his favourite thing. "Hey Jotaro!" The blonde boy called out, he ran up to him giving him a quick hug and then whispered: "nothing weird, just know that I'm here if you ever want to talk, kay?" Jotaro nodded, then tipped his hat. "Yeah sure, bye" he said walking the other way.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could have sworn he saw Kakyoin. Although that wouldn't be weird would it? He was probably just getting out of school like he was. But there it was, that uneasy feeling again. Good grief, I need to start worrying less, this isn't like me. Jotaro thought to himself as he began walking home.


Kakyoin watched from a distance as Kibe hugged Jotaro, jealousy flooded through his veins as he watched the two part. He felt like he was about to cry, no one had ever hugged him like that. And he only wanted one person to. Jotaro Kujo. I'll protect you from this cruel world.. darling. One day your friends are going to leave you and that's just the sad truth you're not ready to face.. I know what it's like so leave this up to me. Let me deal with this burden. Kakyoin eyed Kibe cautiously as he began walking away from Jotaro.

Every day for the past 3 weeks he had stalked Jotaro's, Kibe's and Oba's daily afternoon routines. For this exact moment, right about now Kibe would take a short cut down a shady alleyway to go hang out at one of the department stores to get an afternoon snack. He followed behind him keeping his head down low making sure not drawing any attention to himself. Soon this burden would be erased from the cruel world. He was doing it good, he was doing nothing wrong. And any whomever thought different were completely wrong. Or so he believed.

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