Part 6

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Kakyoin and Jotaro had made it to the department store that Kibe used to go to in the afternoons, on the way to the store it was filled with awkward silence. The pair hadn't spoken to each other since they left the house, Kakyoin sighed and looked around. There was no need to be sad, soon they would be close enough that not even a minute of them being together would be filled with silence.

"If you know what he used to eat, we could get that okay? It would save a lot of time." Kakyoin suggested turning towards Jotaro, the taller male nodded and started making his way towards the snack section. He walked down the isle and stopped, the boy stared at bear shaped biscuits for a long minute before picking them up.

"These were his favourites" Jotaro remarked, looking down at them with a sorrowful glare. Kakyoin looked over at them and picked up another packet before speaking, "anything else?" The black haired boy faced him and nodded, "one more thing." Kakyoin and Jotaro then began leaving the isle until a familiar voice called out the taller males name.



That voice.. it sounded so familiar, it can't be. What is he doing here? Jotaro turned around to reveal Oba Kyoko standing at the end of the isle, he began walking towards him at a quick pace. Glaring at him and Kakyoin.

"What are you doing here, Oba?" Jotaro asked, it was clear he was mad although he couldn't guess why. "I came here because I couldn't help notice that freak rock up at your doorstep, then take you out shopping? I could ask you the same thing." Jotaro glanced at Kakyoin, his face emotionless as he stared in the eyes of Oba.

"So you followed me here. Why?" He looked at him forrowing his brows, waiting for an response. "Well yeah why wouldn't I? After you said you wanted to be alone all day, I so happened went to check up on you a few minutes after I left then I saw you leaving with him. Did you try and ditch me? For someone you don't even know."

Jotaro was starting to get pissed off, why couldn't he just leave him and Kakyoin alone? "Good grief, I'm not in the mood for this" he said as he was beginning to walk the other way. It seemed like Oba was in one of his emotional states, he must have not calmed down after Kibes death yet. Although he hasn't really either.

"You're trying to replace Kibe aren't you?" Oba remarked in a shaky tone. Jotaro was taken aback at what he said, it made him mad. Out of all people his best friend should know this was an attempt of coping, not an attempt of replacing his friend. The black haired boy turned around to face Oba, he was infuriated.


Kakyoin had never seen Jotaro this mad before, in all honesty it was terrifying. Having someone twice your size towering over with you with piercing blue eyes, staring at you as though they wanted to beat you to a pulp. He watched from a short distance as the two friends began arguing. Jotaro walked close to Oba and placed a finger on his chest, "You know that's not true, stop saying stupid things and go home already. It's clear you haven't calmed down after this morning."

The blonde grabbed Jotaros wrist and looked up at him, "yeah I haven't I'll admit that. But at least I haven't shrugged it off like you have, if I had to be honest with you, even when he still was alive. You seemed to not care about him at all, no.. that's wrong sorry. You seemed to not care about us at all. If we wanted to go out with you somewhere we would have to drag you along, overall our friendship seemed like a chore to you."

Jotaro looked at him with disbelief, he had no idea he thought of him that way. Although right now he was just pissed. "Listen you two-face prick, go home. I'm not afraid of you and I won't deal with you insulting me, you're an emotionl wreck right now. So go already before you regret doing something." He increased the pressure of his finger, turning the tip of it white.

"Whatever, you're a real jerk you know that Jotaro? I'm never going to forgive you for replacing Kibe." Oba said storming off into the other direction, Kakyoin was filled with joy. Instead of him doing the dirty work and getting rid him himself, Jotaro had already done it. He assumed they wouldn't be talking to each other any time soon, so he had Jotaro all to himself until they made up.

"Sorry about that, let's just go now" the other boy said in a bluntly tone, Kakyoin nodded and followed behind him.


The pair paid for their food and exited the department store, they then went back to Jotaros house soon after.

They were beginning to get in sight of his house. "Hey Jotaro I could unlock the door if you want and you could take the food inside, is that alright with you?" The taller male nodded as he started quickening his pace, Kakyoin followed behind as they finally made it to his house. The red-head unlocked the door for him and stood aside.

"Oh Jotaro! Welcome home!" someone called out inside the house, it must be his mother. Kakyoin thought to himself, the black haired boy walked inside. "Hey" he replied, stopping at the front door. Kakyoin wondered what was wrong, so he closed to door behind him and walked inside, standing next to Jotaro. He then saw the problem.

An old man was seated at the kitchen table, drinking perhaps either coffee or tea. "Jotaro! Ah it's been so long, come give your grandfather a hug." The man said standing up, walking over to him. Kakyoin couldn't help but watch, even though it made his blood boil. Jotaro sighed, "good grief don't touch me old man" he remarked walking to his room.

Kakyoin then began following from behind, then he was stopped. "Hey Jotaro! Who's your new friend?" The red-head put on a smile and turned around, bowing. "Hello there sir, I am Noriaki Kakyoin. But call me Kakyoin, we have just met after all." The old man walked up to him, "there's no need to do that bowing nonsense" he said waving his hand in annoyance. "I'm Joseph Joestar your friend Jotaro's, dear old uncle."

"Alright Mr Joestar, it's nice meeting you." Kakyoin nodded, beginning to turn around to follow Jotaro. Joseph then hopped in front of him. "How about I give you a hand shake, eh? A formal way of how we Americans greet each other!" Before he had time to reply the old man had already grabbed a hold of his hand and shook it. This person was already getting on his nerves. He had to dispose of this burden quickly before he would lay a finger on Jotaro.

Kakyoin smiled, "thank you Mr Joestar." As he was beginning to walk away again he forgot about his mother, it would be rude not to greet her aswell. That would terrible manners. "Mrs Kujo, it's a pleasure to meet you aswell." Kakyoin said bowing towards the middle aged woman. She laughed "Oh you're so nice! It is very nice meeting you too Kakyoin" She bowed in return and waved the boys away.

As he turned around he caught a glimpse of Jotaro heading down the hallway into his room, the red-head then began following behind him. The pair had made it in Jotaros room at last, this time Kakyoin got a better glimpse of his room since the curtains were open. His bed was now made, and he had a birch wood desk over near the window. A TV was mounted in front of the wall facing his bed.

Jotaro placed the snacks on the bed and gestured for Kakyoin to sit down with him, he then began opening the biscuits and put them between the two to share. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?" The cherry haired boy suggested. "Sure" Jotaro replied picking up the TV remote, he flicked through a few movies and chose a random horror film. "Good choice" Kakyoin remarked, flashing a smile at him. He sat up next to Jotaro getting himself comfortable.

"Hey, Kakyoin I was wondering if you wanted to stay over for the night? If it's alright with you I don't care." The red-head felt like he was beginning to blush, he tried to shrug the feeling off. "O-oh! Yes, sure." He spoke, his words touched with joy. "Okay" Jotaro replied taking a biscuit then leaning back into the bed.

A few hours had passed and they had been watching movies, Jotaro had fell asleep. Kakyoin pulled out his phone to check the time. It read 2:34am. He rolled his shoulder blades and sat up, heading into the kitchen. Although he stopped at Jotaros door as he saw a muscular figure wander through the dark. He looked closely to reveal Mr Joestar. What was he doing up at a time like this?

He watched as the old man left the house, so he decided to follow him to see what he was up to.


Kakyoin had followed Joseph to his destination, he was at a liquor shop. At 2 in the morning? What a weirdo.. he thought to himself, he watched him from an empty alleyway. Though the brightest idea formed in his mind. This would be the perfect chance to kill the Joestar.

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