Part 5

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A day after Kibe was murdered.


Kakyoin awoke at the sound of his alarm ringing through the once silent house, it was filled with a joyful tone. He let out an exhausted sigh. He was meant to be happy today since he had gotten rid of Kibe, but all he felt was... emptiness. As though he were on the verge of tears, Kakyoin then grabbed a hold of his phone to turn the alarm off that was still ringing. The red-head placed it back down and at stared the ceiling for a long minute before sitting up, he then looked over at the bedside table that stood next time.

The same bedside table that contained Jotaros belongings as well as his shattered photo that lay in the drawer under, Kakyoin opened the drawer that held the belongings and brought out small pocket sized knife. The knife had a black handle and the blade was sharp, as if it could cut through paper without problem. He drew the knife to his wrist and lifted up his sleeve to reveal dozens of fresh and old cuts, some scars.

Although he hated doing this it was a daily thing, more so an addiction he couldn't help. Kakyoin then began slicing his wrist, the blade slowly getting deeper and deeper as he traced over past wounds with it. He ended the last cut with a shaky sigh, watching as the blood ran down his arm. "I need to stop doing this.." He spoke softly to himself standing up, "yet I never bother to."


The red-head began putting on his uniform, today he thought of heading over to Jotaro to do the 'assignment.' It was a perfect excuse to see how he was coping after that Kibe Mokomos death, perhaps he would get to spend some quality time with him as well. He was finished getting ready and he made his way to the kitchen, at this time of day no one was to be found since his father and step-mother were at work. So he snatched his school bag off the kitchen counter and walked towards the front door.

The red-head locked it, and began walking to school.


Kakyoin was half way down his street, up ahead he saw Jotaros house. Oba Kyoko stood at the front of his it, why would he be there at a time like this? Right. He had forgotten all about Kibe. He was most likely just checking up on him that's all, probably. Perhaps, I should skip out on school today and just act like I'm coming over to do the assignment, Kakyoin thought to himself as he watched Oba leave the house. The red-head then began walking over to Jotaros at a slow pace.

As Oba was leaving he stopped and stared at Kakyoin for a long minute, the cherry haired boy then broke into a nervous sweat. So he began walking at a faster pace, passing Jotaros house like he hadn't seen Oba at all. "What's that idiots problem.." Kakyoin muttered under his breath digging his nails into his palms, he had no clue why he was so mad all of a sudden. Something about the Kyoko pissed him off, perhaps it was the fact it would be harder to get rid of him than Kibe was.

He knew for a fact that Oba wasn't the slightest bit dumb at all, in fact the thing that scared him was how cunning he could be. Which is why he could never plan a way to murder him. However every man had a weakness, and his was not controlling his emotions. So the perfect way to kill was to get him all riled up then strike. He shrugged his thoughts away and snapped back to reality.

Kakyoin glanced behind him, Oba was no where in sight. He smiled to himself, looking up at the sky, then began jogging towards Jotaros house. Nothing was going to ruin this day between him and his love, not some stupid insignificant death. He made it to the boys doorstep and knocked, glancing around his porch to be greeted by him. A minute had passed and Jotaro came to the door, looking at him with an unreadable expression.

"What do you want" the black haired boy asked, a touch of aggressiveness added to the sentence. "I came over here to do the assignment with you, if that is alright" He said with a warm smile, his goal was to be as kind as possible, to try and make him feel alright with his words. If only that was what someone did to him when his mother died, maybe he wouldn't have turned out this way.

"Not in the mood, leave" Jotaro mumbled beginning to close the door. "Wait! Please-" Kakyoin said, looking at him with sympathetic eyes. "Are you alright? I know it isn't any of my business, and we have just met. But you seem quite down today, we don't have to do the assignment we could.." The taller male looked down at him with teary eyes, he tipped his hat down to shield them. Something about seeing him at the verge of tears made his heart drop, it reminded him of himself in a way.

The pain of someone dying lingering around forever, whilst everyone overlooked it as a typical child overreacting. He wouldn't allow this, not again. Not the same mistake everyone had made with himself, he wouldn't let him cope with it how he did. Although he knew what he did was for the best. "..we could talk about you, it's pretty obvious that you aren't doing your best. I'm not leaving until you let me in, let it be all day and all night. I'll still be waiting."

Jotaro kept his hat tipped down, as he opened the door and stepped aside for Kakyoin to come in. "Whatever" he replied, although it seemed as though the tears had got to him with that shaky tone. "Thank you, Jotaro" the red-head thanked him, as he watched the other male nod. "We're going to my room, my mum will be home in a few minutes." The dark-haired boy said dimly, leading him towards his room. At last, he was finally here.

Finally here in the love of his life's home, as he was walking through it he admired the neatly placed furniture. The house itself was quite large, much bigger than what it seemed to be like on the outside. "In here" Jotaro said gesturing into a large bedroom, Kakyoin stepped inside it as he heard the other boy do the same. Hearing him lock the door behind him, he went over to sit down on his bed. It was unmade but he didn't mind, once they were close friends he would do all of that sort of stuff for him.

Jotaro stared at him with empty eyes, Kakyoin bowed and sat down next to him looking up at the taller male. "If you don't mind me asking, completely okay if you don't want to answer. But what's made you so upset?" he asked, not breaking eye contact with him. Jotaro sighed, turning away from him, tipping his hat yet again. "If you tell anyone I'll beat you to a bloody pulp" Kakyoin nodded, looking at him with pure eyes, as though he had never done wrong. "This morning, I was doing my daily thing, walking to school that is. I saw a few cop cars surrounding my friends house, Kibe Mokomo. You should know him, he's quite popular."

"I do, yes" Kakyoin replied, looking at him intently. He found this entertaining, hearing the other side to this story he had started made him happy. As if an someone had acknowledged an artists work. "Yeah, I went to see what the commotion was about and I found out that he.." Jotaro paused rubbing his eyes. "..he had passed away yesterday" the other boy said.

I did it for your own good.. Kakyoin thought in silence to himself. "Oh god.. I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine what it's like for you.." Although he could, he knew how much it hurt him. Seeing him hurt like this made him regret getting rid of Kibe in the slightest, perhaps he should have kept him alive for Jotaros sake. Why am I thinking like this? I can replace that idiot easily.

He moved closer to him as an attempt to try and hug him, instead Jotaro stayed where he was and didn't show any acknowledgment that he had moved. "I should have been more emotionful towards him.. there's a ton of things I regret, hell. This is probably the thing I regret the most.. that idiot didn't even muster up the courage to tell me he liked me. Because he thought I wouldn't be his friend anymore for it, of course I didn't feel the same way about him... but why did I have to find out after his death? He must have died with that goddam regret, and I'm here still alive. Being miserable as shit."

He accidentally tipped his hat up when he tried rubbing his eyes again but instead, Kakyoin found him crying. A rare scene. It pained him like nothing else in the world. The red-head crawled over to him and gave him a long hug that felt like it lasted for hours, Jotaro smelt of expensive cologne. It was comforting. He dug his face in his shirt, then pulled away after the taller boy had finished crying. "Sorry."

Jotaro had apologized, but why? He adored this emotional side of him, it felt like he was helping him get through his suffering. He knew he was, he was looking happier already. "Hey don't apologize! It's okay, how about we do something together? Kibe was a very nice and happy person, let's keep his spirit up by making the most of today, okay?"

Jotaro looked at him for a long minute before nodding, his empty eyes then turning back to an unreadable expression. Perhaps a bit of relief behind those eyes. As far as this was going, it was perfect. As though Kakyoin was living in one of his dreams. He gave Jotaro a soft smile hopping up from his bed, "we could go eat out together? Or anything you think Kibe would have liked." The black haired boy nodded. "Sure, we used to hang out at this department store all the time and get snacks. We could go there I guess" Kakyoin grinned, everything was going his way.

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