Part 10

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Oba knocked on the door, shuffling his feet as he gathered how he'd apologize to Jotaro. Shoes scuffled in the house before the door finally opened, revealing a tall, skinny man in green instead of his friend. "Hi?" said Oba, confused."Ah, Oba! I wasn't expecting you. Come on in, I was just cooking." Oba nodded, hooking his fingers into his shoe to take it off before he entered. "By the way Kakyoin...I'm sorry about the other day. I was just shocked about Kibe's death. I didn't mean to take it out on you or Jotaro."Kakyoin smiled slightly. "It's fine."

"Uh, by the way..." Oba stepped inside, following Kakyoin who had already started walking to the kitchen. "Where's Jotaro? I need to apologize to him too."A large smile appeared on Kakyoin's for a split second before disappearing. "You can go ahead and sit down in the dining room. It's right there, but I'm sure you could've seen that.""I-I knew that. I've been to his house before." stuttered Oba, who was starting to feel slightly anxious. Kakyoin looked at him with dead eyes before giving him a smile. "I'm just finishing up cooking. I'm almost done." said Kakyoin as he dug through the cabinets for a plate.


"...Where is Jotaro?"

Oba and Kakyoin had both finished their meals, the brunette had to admit he was a great cook. The dish tasted like nothing he had ever had before. And Oba meant that in the best way possible. The corners of Kakyoin's lips curled into a sinister smile. "Kakyoin. where is he." Kakyoin giggled slightly. Oba's pulse picked up again. "Kakyoin where is he. Tell me, now. You're starting to freak me out." Kakyoin started to laugh loudly. One of his hands clutched his stomach tightly and the other shakily pointed to Oba's plate. "He- He- He's right there." said Kakyoin, gasping for air while laughing hysterically.

Oba's stomach twisted, and he covered his mouth. "Y-You mean...""Ha, ha.. That's right. I was scared someone like you would steal him so now... He'll be with me forever. Every inch of my body, every fiber of my being, he'll always be with me."

Kakyoin continued to laugh again, a completely euphoric expression painted on his face. Oba felt vile come up his throat, but he pushed it back down. He stumbled onto his feet, and steadied himself against the nearest wall. "You.. you absolute monster." stuttered Oba. Kakyoin only laughed more at this remark. Oba ran to the next room as fast as he could. Kakyoin's laughs echoed through the hallway, following him.

Once he reached the telephone, he dialed 110 and entered it. The operator picked up instantly. "110, what's your emergency?"Oba took a deep breath. "My- my friend, Jotaro Kujo. He's been killed. The guy... Noriaki Kakyoin...he killed him! And he- he made me eat him! I didn't know!" sobbed Oba."Ok, I'm dispatching police right now. They'll arrive in just a second. Just stay calm, please."


Kakyoin felt ecstatic; His laughs were made of pure joy. Jotaro was his, until his dying breath. He had no-one to come in between them now; he couldn't care less what happened to him, because he knew his true love would be with him forever.As sirens sounded outside the Kujo residence, Kakyoin didn't move. The police knocked on the door, but Kakyoin didn't respond, and only continued to laugh harder and harder.

The police kicked down the door and stormed in to see Kakyoin cackling in an insane manner.


Luminous light filled the room, the TV was on as it echoed throughout the empty motel room. A single tear drop rolled down the person's leathery skin, as they inhaled slowly. The news headline on the TV read; Murderous Maniac Caught, as a news reporter stared into the camera with a solemn expression painted on her face. She seemed to be standing outside of a very familiar household, the Kujo household.

The person in the room began sobbing uncontrollably, as she cupped her face. "My poor baby.. my poor baby and his grandfather.." the woman spoke, as her voice was drowned im her own cries. Holly lifted her head, once more to see the TV. An image of her son, Jotaro. And an image of her father, Joseph. And finally an image of one of Jotaros best friends, Kibe. All slowly faded into the screen, as the news reporters voice echoed around the thin walls of the small motel room.

"These three people, were all sadly victims of this horrible murder.." Holly watched as Lady began speaking about them, unable to watch she turned off the TV. Sitting in the room with only her, and her own cries.

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